PDP - Ep 153 - Overcoming Obstacles: Building a Resilient Mind for Life's Challenges

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- Understanding Resilience - what it means and why its important
- The ability to mentally and emotionally cope with crises, stress, or adversity, bouncing back to a baseline level of normal functioning after these challenging experiences.

- Role of resilience in life and in dog training - Many people give up far too quickly and easily in both
- It involves flexibility in thought and behavior, enabling individuals to adapt to change, manage difficulties, and achieve stability in their lives despite hardships.

- Developing resilience in dogs is similar to developing it in people. You can almost train yourself like your dog.
- Through resilience, people can learn from their experiences and incorporate these lessons into their lives, ultimately strengthening their ability to handle future challenges.

- Science behind resilience
- Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Or in other words, it is an adaptive process allowing you to deal with challenges and difficulties.
- Much like discipline, you can only develop resilience through challenges. If you never have to demonstrate resilience, then you will never develop it.

- Grit, defined as perseverance and passion for long-term goals, plays a crucial role in developing resilience.
- It fosters a non-cognitive trait that allows individuals to remain focused and steadfast in the face of adversity or failure, thereby bolstering their ability to bounce back. In essence, the more grit a person possesses, the more likely they are to demonstrate resilience when encountering obstacles, as their unwavering determination enables them to endure and overcome challenges.
- Perseverance is developed through facing continual challenges that are difficult, but achievable at your current level of capability.
- Passion is your determination and willingness to suffer for a goal
- Positive emotion as described by Jordan Peterson

- The Positive take away from today: Are you experiencing hard times, challenges or set backs in your life right now? Your job? Your relationships? Feel stuck and stagnant in your life? I have great news, you are in the perfect place to start or continue building resilience in your life.
- Short version of my story. It was a multi year journey to get back, and in some ways the journey is still ongoing, but I have built my life back better in almost every aspect. After you lose everything, you realize you could build it all back again even if you lost it a second time.

- Websites: fortressk9.com ; fortressk9.com/puppies ; k9academy.us
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