VIDEO - The enemies of God cannot hide from their evils...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Pius V, Pope, Confessor...5 May 2023 AD...

The enemies of God cannot hide from their evils...the heretical and sacrilegious abominations of the notorious and IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics is well known and in the Holy Scripture established fact...this video document of the true Holy Apostolic See teaches about their evils how the devil their master uses these heretics his servants to inflict heretical poisons upon those unstable souls that themselves as slaves of Satan are incapable of recovery of their soul from his diabolical slavery...and if they are not helped by Christ Our Lord to be freed from the devil, they will remain in his evil hands and do his sacrilegious works, as for example teaches this same true Catholic Church document, among other such like publications...the problem at hand is that very few do understand this and are helped by God, upon their sincere conversion, to act upon it and bring forth good fruits to God...


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