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Kari Lake Trial #2: Clay Parikh Day 1 with Jovan commentary

1 year ago

opening testimony and cross. There's a lunch break and a 1 hour break in between. I recorded really fast, you can slow it to .75x or read along on the transcript:

Parikh testifies they found 113 duplicates and spoiled ballots, of which 48 were caused by printing 19" ballot images on 20" pages. These were out of the 323 they inspected (348 set aside and ~25 they couldn't get to).

Key testimony:
-19" image on 20" paper would be rejected by tabulator. The smaller image would lead to a wider margin, which the machine would flag as a paper jam. The tech (Aaron Smith) confirmed there were paper jams he opened up where there was no paper inside.
(The reader should also note from Dr. Daugherity's testimony that 19" image's timing marks won't line up where the tabulator will expect them, and that causes ballot rejection)

-Only 2 ways to print a 19" image: there'd have to be a 19" ballot definition on file (premeditation?) or a script written to resize the image. Parikh testified it's unacceptable to have two ballot sizes in one election.

-The 19" ballot image definition would reside on the laptop connected to the printers, referred to as the "control printer" which is actually the "print spooler".

-With multiple Sitebooks at a location, the print spooler is configured to allow the printers to take on the load.

-The printers are configured by script (computer programmer writes a script for the computer to follow), removing the human error of someone coding the instructions in incorrectly.

-Therefor, the 19" images cannot have been printed by accident. Either a script was written to do it, or a 19" ballot definition was uploaded onto the spooler.

Parikh states Arizona law is to comply with the Help America Vote Act HAVA, including the EAC rules, and the EAC requires the tabulated duplicates and their original ballot be maintained together, traceable and easily identifiable. Parikh testifies Maricopa could NOT find the duplicates of the spoiled 19" image ballots.

The tech Aaron Smith was to testify to support this but something happened setting that up. Presumably this was a screwup by Kari Lake's team, but if you follow Thaler and Liz Harris, apparently agencies have backdoor access to the portal where the documents are uploaded. I don't know enough to speculate on whether there's a connection there.

#karilake #clayparikh #jovanpulitzer

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