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Kari Lake Trial 8b - for reference - Scott Jarrett Election Day process
Kari Lake Trial #8: Scott Jarrett Days 1 and 2, Jovan commentary
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Kari Lake Trial #4: Bard Betancourt (tech) and Mark Sonnenklar (RNC lawyer) Day 1
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Kari Lake Trial #8: Scott Jarrett Days 1 and 2, Jovan commentary

1 year ago

Pulitzer's coverage of Day 2, then @JCONE 30m Day 1 clip, then Olsen's cross examination from a different angle and no one talking over him.

They're doing this word game with Election Day Ballots and Election Day dropbox pickups, which are not EDB's. So they can give false answers in court and say they thought you meant one meaning or the other and end up dodging the question.

Most of Jovan's commentary is spot on, that's why I post it, BUT -

He's mixing up the Custody forms, and EDB vs 'late early' tabulation. Some of what he said conflicted with Heather Honey about Election Day Ballots which is how I noticed. I thought she had it wrong, but it's him.

The custody forms Jovan shows (the ones that weren't filled in by MCTEC on the bottom) are NOT Election Day Ballot forms. They say Early Voting right there in the screenshot. They're EARLY VOTING Ballot Transfer Statements or "EVBTS". They're for the late earlies, not the In Person voted Nov.8 ballots, and if they're not filled in, then it's the Nov 8 dropbox pickups/the "late earlies" that weren't recorded as delivered. I think he's showing the 2020 EVBTS examples, but Honey said the EVBTS (#1 in her CoC doc list) were missing on Election Day in 2022.

As Jarrett says in the cross examination, and as Honey did in her presentation, the EDB's are tabulated ON SITE AT THE VOTE CENTER. They don't go to Runbeck, as there's no signature or voter affidavit or envelope to be imaged, and no need to sort ballots that have already been scanned into the EMS at the precinct/Vote Center.

Olsen in the cross and Pulitzer both mixed this up. It's understandable I guess. Olsen was working a lot of hours. I don't think he did as well as Pulitzer says in the cross examination because he messed that up. No EDBs go to Runbeck. See Lake Trial 8b for reference.

The big news on this testimony is that Jarret said on Day One that the printers cant resize ballot images to 19" from 20", which caused all those ballots to be rejected, and on Day Two he said the opposite, then in the cross-examination said he didn't know the inch specs so he was denying that 19" was the exact size of the smaller, resized image. Total BS, a professional JUDGE should infer that Jarrett was coached to change his story. But it has nothing to do with EVBTS. These are On Site prints and precinct-tabulated.

Jarrett's shrink-to-page Day Two story is that the technicians shrunk the ballot images sent to the printer to make them scan? and that instead caused them not to scan. If that's true, why were they called in the first place? We know from Dr. Daugherity's Senate testimony, which is further down my page, that the tabulators rejected 7,000 ballot scan attempts every half-hour, all day from 7 AM to 8 PM. That alone disproves Jarrett's theory. How could techs independently make this change all over the county right when the polls opened, and only in Republican jurisdictions? There were no 19" ballots coming out of those printers before the election during Logic & Accuracy testing.
#karilake #jovanpulitzer

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