Gene Decode Intel Drop | March 15, 2023

1 year ago

Gene Decode Intel Drop |
March 15, 2023 with Patriot Underground

Patriot Underground Notes
Climate Change
Moon Landing
Banking Collapse & CBDC
Battle For Bakhmut
Forcing The Cabal’s Moves
Omicron Intel
UG War Update
Secret Weapon In Ukraine
Scanner Infiltration
Stings Of Creation
777 Coded DNA
Journey Of Ascension

1 Corinthians 15:52

In The Blink Of A Eye

Do you think the Russians will find a spider hole with The Demon at the bottom?. A Demon who has been hiding in there for a very long time.

Don’t let the Canaanites fool you, they have no affinity for man and care even less about Global Warming. Respect for the Earth is only ruse to enslave you.
They despise the Earth as Huemans land. They are in the process of terraforming the Earth to a climate more suited for them.

What did Patriot Underground say tonight? “Anything the Cabal says, to do or be; do or be just the opposite! And you’ll be just fin3.”

“War, poverty and disease are profit centers for the Deep State.”
~Robert David Steele

Cain’s seed throw a big shadow for such a little half-man half-reptile – a Chimera.

Obama Care Hueman Trafficking


About the above video
Meet Henry Kissinger, the man who adapted the ancient Protocols of Zion to the 20th and 21st centuries and who advised US presidents and governments on how to steal precious minerals and fossil fuels from the African Continent and how to roll out and execute Population Control. Let’s have a closer look at the UN and their financial support of China’s one child policy, their forced abortions and sterilization of millions of women worldwide, the trauma and bloodshed they left behind. We’ll expose the Population Control NGOs assisting the UN in their aim to cut down on the world population in heinous ways… One of them is Planned Parenthood with its Eugenist Nazi ideology.

The first half of Part 6 the stage for a rather frightening glimpse into the future.

The second half is the rest of the story, but don’t expect it to tell you that GOD’s Hand will move before everyone has seen what will appear to be certain death approaching.

The enemy’s Doomsday Device will detonate as scheduled and there will be a help associated with that event, but it will arrive at the last possible moment.

To finish this story we need to go back to before the Garden.

Because that’s when a reptilian race used their knowledge of advanced technology to invade this Free Will Zone system.

Like the Hueman Race, their Collective consisted of a variety of races.

Those in ruling positions, however were of a dark nature with dark intents and motives, not unlike Lucifer who was expelled from the Heavenly Kingdom.

These dark beings joined forces against God and his creations, and with theirs advanced knowledge turned this world to their complete advantage.

The first of many attacks against this system was on Earth’s crystal core.

The core is where the true history of a system is recorded, and this data is to be released to the world at the appropriate time in its evolution.

After receiving this data, an untampered-with Hueman race would have had the ability to ascend naturally up to 5D state.

They would have figured out how to exit this doomed environment using Angelic Stargate Travel.

A Divine workaround was devised to release blocked core data (detailed in the recommended playlist) which triggered the arrival of the three Messenger Angels in Revelation 14:6-11. Each Angel had a message for Huemanity, and those messages are a match to what’s being shared in the Q posts.

The dark agenda from the beginning has been Transhumanism.

Jade Rabbit in Chinese mythology is a White Rabbit whose sole purpose is to manifest immortality.
Follow the White Rabbit could related to this myth and Reptilian Consciousness being stored in the Moon that will be billed by the Beast System as a way for Huemans to achieve immortality. This achievement would remove the need for GOD.

Listen to the president of intel reveals that the only reason processor speeds have been steadily improved is to achieve the mapping of the Hueman DNA.

1000 years?

Genetics researchers reached the basic concepts that we know about today about Hueman DNA in the early 1900s. So did she mean 100 years?

Or did she just reveal how long their plans have been in place.

So big Pharma had most likely been working on developing nRNA modifier nano technology since 1999. Technology so timy, it can be injected into a Hueman via a hypodermic needle.

Yuval Noah Harari describes this as the hacking of Hueman DNA.

I want to make this very clear the jab is NOT the Mark of the Beast.

The Mark of the Beast is a permanent marker that cannot be removed or reversed. Once received that person’s Soul is doomed.

The effects of the jab, however, are REVERSIBLE through the healing power of GOD.

Even if those who have jabbed die without a healing they will be raptured/Stargated out with of those going to the New West because this sound event is based on specific frequency range of the Soul.

Those who are UNKNOWINGLY choosing evil over good will be within the frequency range who will rescued by he hand of God.

When he Doomsday device is detonated. Huemans. Who have survived the jab and have enough of the jab technology in their bodies will automatically connect to the reptilian network.

Will this include those who have only had one shot?

The fact that multiple shots are being pushed leads to the conclusion that multiple shots will be required in order for this connection to occur.

They thought she would never lose.
Now they all lose.

If HRC had won in 2016, this country would have been unrecognizable by now.
Multiple FF and nuclear attacks, civil war, our troops fighting in multiple conflicts and
FDA approved federally mandated vaccines for ALL, from infants and up. And of course, an endless succession of deadly viral variants used to completely strip Hueman Beings of whatever you as left of their rights.

Now we can see why the current administration is working so furiously to destroy this country.


The masters they serve have plan to use technology to steal Human race from GOD, and that goal is in more danger now than it has ever been.

Though the ancient invaders used a highly polarized magnetic field to mask Earth’s original physics, aka the 19.47 Torsion Field energy. It is always there beneath the mask.

And of certain times of the year and during certain celestial alignments that take place outside the dome, that Torsion energy becomes coherent enough to be harnessed.

The 19.47 or 19.5 energetically are related to a Star Tetrahedron and where it’s mid points and where it’s mid-points, touch the inside the inside of a circle, or more accurately, the inside of a hexagon.

The geometry of a Star Tetrahedron can be found on the flag of Israel and is commonly known as a Merkaba.

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

We are

We are Israel
We are the enslaved masses who work for a tyrannical ruler.
And we are the people who will be saved by a Red Sea moment. .

The Rapture Event and Timeline Flip are the exodus of the Israelites.

It is very likely that the enemy’s Doomsday Device is set to detonate during a period of strong Torsion coherence.

And it appears that the enemy plans to harness the 19.5 people nervy to finalize their goals by forcing many Huemans to unwillingly become part of their agenda.

Will this be the beginning of what the CDC calls the Zombie Apocalypse.

The CDC wants you to prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse.

Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse

Will this be the hellish worldwide attack that will provide the Near Death Experience, Huemanity is to face?

Not every question can be answered at this phase. Including the White House UFOs.

Here’s the most recent footage showing a clump of various sized craft releasing small scout ships that follow various routes depending on the night.

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Be Well
Be Bright

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