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UK Column News - 7th November 2022

2 years ago

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, David Scott and Mark Anderson with today’s UK Column News.


  • 0/2000
  • I can't apply for compensation for the death of my husband, which was very clearly due to his second Astrazenica jab, they refused us a post mortem and the death certificate says "POSSIBLE mycardiac infraction" because the doctor didn't even examine the body! £120k would never bring him back, I am not interested in their blood money but I would love to see them (and including our family doctor) jailed for their crimes. As I said to my doctor at the time, by jabbing people with this he was either culpable or inompetent, when asked which one he was he didn't answer.

  • Gotta say I'm a little disappointed in your parroting of the "white phosphorus" line. They are in fact illumination/incendiary rounds used by the Russians. 9M22S rounds, magnesium in nature fired from MLRS usually. Low down they can cause fires with flammable material and useful against fuel dumps and uncovered trenches or can be used for illumination. Not banned for use except on civilians.

  • the pandemic came on so fast with government information humans did not have a choice.

  • So determined were the EU & the West to prolong the controlled MSM Ukraine Russian war they even closed down an anti war Dutch protest, banned speaker David Icke from 26 EU countries. Totalitarian one world govt NWO censorship 1984 George Orwell ministry of truth orders this for the common good, just comply take your medicine or we cut out your tongue or throat to silence you into submission. Enforcing Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 is going to get a whole lot worse in Orwellian prison planet.

  • The MSM TV radio & press are now stealing history in realtime, its a criminal state terrorism network there is no longer even the illusion of an uncensored debate allowed anywhere other than the tiny alternative social media outlets they know will never reach the masses.

  • TRUST ULTRA TRUST NAOMI https://odysee.com/@spacebusters:c9/In-Ultra-We-Trust:c Just Talking: Canada's 'Euthanasia' Law Allows Killing Poor, Mentally Ill, & May Include Minors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmjNtZJtdwQ&t=7s OPERATION DEPOPULATION: BILLIONAIRES & THEIR SELL-OUT AGENTS OPENLY PLOTTING TO EXTERMINATE BILLIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/QlAcfOoYA52N/

  • Well said Matt Le Tissier & well done UK Column for allowing his voice to be heard & keeping the push back on adverse vaccine deaths & injuries.

  • How dare they no to amenity How dare they say that jabbed people don’t spread covid. How dare they tell lies that the jab is safe when it’s killing millions around the world. How dare vaccinated people spread all the various things like monkey pox, and all the various diseases that came from the jab. Heart attacks, cancer, strokes, blood clots. Along with all the rest of reactions. They said we do not deserve to go into hospital, they said we have not to be part of society, how dare they. When they never tested the jab if iit stops covid I pray that heads will roll as they should especially our lying government and CDC, WHO along with flip flop Fuchie they all are lying scum bags. I’m not jabbed and never took covid I’m diabetic and have asthma. No Fear How dare them

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