How YOU can Feed Poor Starving Children on the other side of the World! Quick Easy Tutorial!

1 year ago

How YOU can Feed Poor Starving Children on the other side of the World! Quick Easy Tutorial!

How can we help poor starving children on the other side of the world?

Giving money to a charity is sometimes a waste of money in many cases because they want to spend a huge portion of it on a office and employees and marketing.

So how can we get as much food to poor starving children and make sure every penny is spent on food?
Obviously sending food from America to Haiti is to expensive for us average everyday Americans because of the shipping costs.
So Here is how we do it!

Step 1 - Find a orphanage in a poor part of the world.
Step 2 - Find a local grocery store or food wholesaler that can deliver.
step 3 - Place the order and have it delivered!

Tips: You should contact the orphanage 1st to make sure they
will receive the food donation. Also ask them to send you a picture of the delivered food once they receive it so you will then have a trusted food supply pipeline to poor orphans. Once you know that yo can trust the food supplier and they will provide you with picture or video proof, then you can send them to many many different nearby orphanages in the future.
Pro Tip: If you are serious about sending a lot of food, then look near the orphanage for a Food Wholesaler who can do a larger bulk order for a cheaper price than a local grocery store. Tell them that you are just trying to send food to the poor children in their community and they will understand the importance and power of what you are doing.

I like to believe most people out there have a heart and will be more than happy and super appreciative to help you get the food to hungry children.
** I personally have tried this over 30 times to over 30 different locations and every single time the food has been sent exactly where it needed to go, mainly because I tried it in the Philippines where the country is poor but stable. Once I saw I was using a company I can trust that would give me proof of the deliveries then I knew I had a trusted food supply pipeline that will get the food I ordered to where it needed to go!

This system works in a country like the Philippines where there is a stable government and economy, but also poor and abandoned children, many of which live in the slums.

This system probably does not work well in a place like Afghanistan where there is over 23 million people who are starving and the government is in shambles because of war.

I don't know about you, but I would much rather make sure every penny of my $ went directly to food for poor orphans instead of just blindly giving it to a charity.

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