1 year ago

write to Susanne at

What I teach is progressive medicine based on nutrition and some natural supplementation, so for example you get protocols to reverse disease and pain not to manage it.

This is where I believe medicine should have gone.

I strongly believe that all doctors should be taught how to heal and reverse disease using nutritional excellence alone.

This is my wish for this world

You need to understand what you eat affects your emotions,
your personality,

what you think,

your passion about life,

appreciation of the world around you

It affects what is the best human you can become

How kind you are to other people

Or agitated because you are eating the wrong foods

White flour is not food,
Bagels, pizzas, pasta, hamburgers, white rice, sugar / salt and oils, these are not foods, they are drogues

Yes you heard me right they are drogues

They inflame the brain, the gut, the body

They change neuroplasticity in the brain

They make you crave food you think you can’t live without

Why would a person with a sound mind want to self-destruct by insisting on eating the foods that got them ill in the first place and throw away their life and the beauty of living.

Do you really believe that diabetes, heart disease and cancer has got nothing to do with eating the wrong foods?

They are of course exceptions, but in the majority or 90% of cases they are food related.

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