4 ways FFA can help you grow food

1 year ago

This past Sunday was #worldfoodday, a day meant to bring attention to the ever growing demand on not only ending world hunger but by also becoming more self sufficient and less reliant on the changing landscape of the food industry. When we become less reliant on a system to provide us with the food we consume, we become more powerful as individuals and as communities.

Growing food doesn’t have to be a complicated thing, and you don’t need to have a farm or a large yard to grow your own food. Here’s your reminder that you can begin to grow it anywhere, at any time, no matter where you live in the world.

Our mission at Food Forest Abundance is to create living grocery stores worldwide by helping people grow their own food. We do this in a few different ways:

We offer 4 different kinds of consultations (annual gardens, food forests, emergency preparedness, and homestead consultations).

Food forest designs
We have a wide variety of different food forests we can design based on your needs, which will be fully customized to your climate, planting zone, topography, space, as well as to the beauty, functionality, and abundance you wish to have.

Soil fertility
Our soil expert will provide you with an Ecosystem Report, which contains pro tips, your custom soil test solutions RX, a product audit and an ecosystem plan that suggests next steps for putting the plan into action.

Food forest installations
Our expert installers will come to your home and install any and all necessary steps needed in getting your food forest up and running.

Curious and want to learn more about working with FFA? Visit us at www.foodforestabundance.com to learn more!

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