Yikes! Are You Ready? MORE Military Movement On The Homefront!

1 year ago

We have more Military movement on the Homefront, ladies and gentlemen. Are you ready? This itshs for real.
Tanks, Medical, and other Military equiptment is seen headed East through SW NM, towards Las Cruces and El Paso, Tx, down the I-10 corridor. Where their final destination will be is unknown.
May Yahweh protect all Patriots and their households.

May God bless, protect, and keep all the Midnight Riders, renewing their strength and resolve to bear witness of what is to come, quenching all firey arrows from the Evil one. We gird ourselves with the Full Armor that You have given us, Father, in Your wisdom and righteousness, that we may stand against the schemes of the Devil in the last day, that we may stand fast and stand our ground. We thank you for the courage that you bring,
Father, for if You are with us, who can stand against us? What disease shall fell us?
What slander will weaken? You are our fortress, and we take refuge in Your care,
Father. We rest beside Your refreshing fountain of life and we drink of Your goodness.

Riders! Go forth with the Belt of Truth gird around your waist wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness Prepare your feet with the Good News,
Brothers and Sisters! Let the Shield of Faith make you BOLD, taking you where he would lead you taking action that is right and just.
Don the Helmet of Salvation and stay focused, Riders. Weild your swords at the ready, Riders, for the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, and to many, it cuts deep.

Our greatest weapon against the enemy is prayer. Stay focused and alert on our task in constant prayer and supplication. For all things pray. Pray for God to make his face known to the world. Pray that the world turned from it's wickedness and repent. Pray for the enemy and the evil one. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Pray for 45 and 1 7. Pray, also, for me.

Remember, Riders, we are also ambassadors carrying the good word as well as warning. Be bold in your speech and in your step. Jehova Jira walks with us and has His hand of protection upon us. So, ride, Midnight Rider! God speed and God bless each and every one of you!


Music by:
Bad Religion _ News From The Front

Contact me at bestifleftby@myself.com if you have something intelligent to say.

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