Self Assembling Biostructures From The Clot Shot?

2 years ago

According to various sources, embalmers are now finding that the vaccinated people who have died with blood clots have some sort of biostructures or growths within their blood veins that appear to consist of partly conductive metals. Some suggests that this is due to self assembling nanotechnology among other things. I wonder if this is building a nano-network within the blood of those who received the vaccines.

Video Link Here

The global elite such as Klaus Schwab wants to change everyone's genome with nanotech and merge them with the A.I. cloud network in a sort of bio digital fusion of man and machine, yet on a nano-level. This is the Antichrist singularity where everyone becomes absorbed into the Hivemind and become one with the Beast. This is the 4th Industrial Revolution! You must reject and peacefully resist the agenda if you wish to save your soul. Trust alone in Jesus according to the Bible!

This video montage remarks on the new militarized robo dog, the sentient A.I. chatbox, the first US patient to receive a Brain-Computer Interface implant, and more! The Dystopian Nightmare has officially arrived and only Yeshua Jesus can save us!

Video Links Here

This compilation focuses on the idea of an Artificial Intelligence controlled Hivemind where the minds of the masses are controlled through wireless frequencies, nanotechnology, cybernetic implants, and more! Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum! The Queen Bee rules over the worker slave bees - they are the mind controlled masses who received the Mark of the Beast technology via the covid vaccine, covid pill, quantum dot tattoo, microneedle patch, or other similar solutions, as well as the RFID chip implant or neuralink.

Video Link Here

It seems the 2022 Super Bowl LVI performance was hinting at some type zombie apocalypse event and or FEMA emergency crisis relief camps or container-prison-homes in which the federal or global governments of the NWO will appear as the False Saviors. They create the chaos, and then appear as the False Saviors. Problem, Reaction, Solution. The Ordo Ab Chao of the Freemasons.

FEMA/UN Super Bowl 2022 Hints

The Luciferian Elite, are hinting at not only the final world war, as Z is the final letter of the English Alphabet but also hinting at a "Z"ombie Apocalypse scenario using sound frequencies and magnetic nanotechnology.

Video Link

It appears that the Magnetic Nanoparticles in the vaccines can travel to the brain and be excited or activated by 5G frequencies to cause a crazed Zombie Apocalypse?

It appears that using a blacklight or medical imaging devices, the Luciferase in the cells can be seen for those who have received the Mark of the Beast Vaccine or Quantum Dot Tattoo or Vaccine Pill, etc:

I believe the Graphene Oxide is in the vaccine, the quantum dot tattoo, the hydrogel, the Vax pill, the micro needle patch, and more! Resist these things peacefully at all costs as I believe they lead to eternal damnation as the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13-14)! It appears that the vaccine contains graphene oxide nanotubes and or iron oxide Nanoparticles that can change your DNA, connect you to the A.I. Cloud, and mark your cells with Luciferase

Here is a list of video compilations I created regarding the subject of Graphene Oxide (Black Goo) nanotechnology in relation to the Mark of the Beast, Vaccine and Biomedical Nanotechnology, Cellular Bioluminescence, demonic possession, linking into the A.I. Hivemind, and more:

Eminem Venom Lyrics Decoded

Prometheus/Alien Black Goo

A Physical-Biological-Digital Fusion

UV Light and Luciferase

I Am Legend - Black Goo Luciferase

Bloodshot (2020) - Black Goo Nanotech

Black Goo in Three Major Movies

The Tangle - Black Graphene Microdones

The Breach (2020) - Black Goo Alien Infection

Maze Runner - Black Goo Zombies

White Sky (2021) - Black Goo Zombies

No Time To Die (2021) - Black Goo

Helix (2014) - Black Goo Zombie Virus

X-Files Black Goo Carbon

Hexclad Hybrid Tech

Inmate Zero (2020)

Cardi B - 5G Queen Bee

In this article, I link the Daniel Ch. 2 prophecy of the mixing of the seed of the fallen Angels with mankind and the "iron and clay" in these last days to the Mark of the Beast Vaccine Black Goo Nanotechnology and a new Nephilim race, a Genesis 6 repeat, which includes a 5G A.I. Hivemind under the guise of the 4th Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum:

Black Goo Zombie Dream

The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

This Plandemic and New World Order Takeover is also a ploy to thrust mankind into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, merging man with machine through vaccine nanotechnology and cybernetic implants, Neuralink brain chips, Metaverse VR Headset, augmented reality, smart cities, the IOT (internet of things), and a 5G Artificial Intelligence Hivemind. The merging of man with the digital and spiritual world, man with the fallen ones - a symbiotic relationship with the fallen angels and demons through technology.

A Brave New World Order

It appears that Metaverse is another attempt to blend reality with virtual reality and perhaps a biological fusion with A.I. is occurring with the vaccine nanotechnology and or Neuralink in order to trap the souls of man within the Antichrist Beast A.I. Network as hinted at in Omikron the 1999 Bill Gates Microsoft Video Game. Stay away from VR and Neuralink!

A Virtual Hell - Neuralink Meta

Here is a compilation of various media clips regarding Microwave weapons, DEWs, 5G, military technology, nanotechnology, and more. Please make your own assertions and conclusions and questions regarding this info. To me the 5G deployment is a cause for concern and the 5G could be multipurpose to connect everything wirelessly in the Internet of Things, create a Surveillance Smart Society, create the Borg Hivemind, and it could be tuned to weaponized zombie frequencies or interact with Nanotechnology for bodily harm?

Once the A.I. Systems are in full operation I believe Satan, the Fallen Angel and god of this world (2 Corinth 4:4), will attempt to know everything, be everywhere, and have all power in an attempt to match the Most High God of Heaven (Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28). The 2008 Movie "Eagle Eye" does a good job illustrating this dystopian nightmare that is becoming a reality day by day!

A.I. New World Order

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