MEDITATION MUSIC solfeggio frequencies 528hz and 432hz emotional healing. Heal heart chakra. Yoga.

4 years ago

This Black Screen MEDITATION MUSIC use solfeggio frequencies 528hz and 432hz for emotional healing. It is a peaceful calming song. This is what we mean by “meditation music.” #meditationmusic

It’s happy for you to feel comfortable.Make your meditation a daily ritual. Go beyond the body and mind and you change your life. It also helps us to reflect deeply.
At TERA MANGALA MEDITATION MUSIC, we produce good music to listen too, while working out for example, to listen to while drawing, while reading, to study too, or while cleaning (!) and good music to help you fall asleep, music to calm you down when stressed.

The 528hz open heart chakra love frequency (also called solfeggio frequencies 528 love) is used in this piece of music. Solfeggio frequencies pure tone are not the only way to use this frequencies in music : for exemple the solfeggio frequencies - healing music of tibetan singing bowls wich you ear in the deep background of this music. Solfeggio frequencies crown chakra (963 hz) is used at the end of this piece of music.

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The chants are inspired by tibetan meditation music for quiet mind and peaceful heart.
The root chakra frequency (396 hz) sleep, the solfeggio frequencies throat chakra (741 hz) and sacral chakra (417 hz) are also used!
And all this is tuned to A 432 hz, then detuned with isochronic music...

Hope you like this meditation music, tell us in the comments!

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This is good background music to fall asleep to because of the frequency 396 hz (meditation chakra frequency sounds) and healing frequencies for crown chakra and also solfeggio frequencies sleep healing.
The root chakra activation binaural beats can be ear in this sleep chakra meditation music. Heart chakra meditation balancing & healing sleep meditation music with peaceful calming sounds and tibetan meditation chants using heart chakra frequency music, throat chakra frequencies.

For example the 396 hz frequency liberating guilt and fear. Binaural beats induce sleep lucid dream and guaranteed astral projection increase by 1000!
This is the most powerful binaural beats astral projection music we have produced yet!
This meditation music for out of body experience is peaceful calming instrumental music using heart chakra frequency healing and crown chakra frequencies.

The composition of this meditation relaxing music uses :

🎵Binaural beats : beta frequencies (14 to 30 Hz) have been linked to increased concentration and alertness, problem solving, and improved memory.

🎵Isochronic music : Isochronic tones are regular beats of a single tone that are used alongside monaural beats and binaural beats in the process called brainwave entrainment.

🎵Solfeggio music frequencies : Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants.

🎵There is another system for Chakra frequencies and correlations :
1. Root Chakra [Muladhara] : Taste of Life, note A,
2. Sacral Chakra [Swadhisthana] : Smell of Creation, note B,
3. Solar Plexus Chakra [Manipura] : Choice of touching, note C,
4. Heart Chakra [Anahata] : See and Love, note D,
There is two more chakras reacting to meditation music :
Lower Heart Chakra : note C#, frequency 552 Hz and
Upper Heart Chakra : note D#, frequency 624 Hz.
5. Throat Chakra [Vishuddha] : Ear and Expression, note E, frequency 672 Hz, color blue, voyel Oh ("go"), self expression.
6. Brow "Third Eye" Chakra [Ajna] : Knowing Intuition, note F, frequency 720 Hz, color indigo, voyel Ah ("mah"), perception and discernment.
7. Crown Chakra [Sahasrara] : To Be God, note G, frequency 768 Hz, color violet, voyel I ("my"), connected to the sky.

Enough reading, enough talking, let's meditate together now!


Our music suits for ASTRAL PROJECTION - Out Of Body Experience, Sleep Music | Night-Time Music For Astral Travel and Lucid dreams, lucid dreaming

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