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The Testaments 📗

4 years ago

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Happy Paper & Glam Book Club Thursday, Glam Readers!

Here are our discussion questions for The Testaments:

Ice Breaker - How are you staying safe and sane at home?

1. What was your experience reading The Testaments? How many green 📗 books would you rate it? If you read The Handmaid’s Tale, how did it compare?

2. The structure an author chooses tells us a lot about how we should experience it. What did you make of the structure of The Testaments? What do you suppose she was trying to achieve by giving voice to 3 separate characters? How do the introductory quotations relate to any/all/each of them?

3. When did you put together the identities of each narrator?
4. Were you surprised by Aunt Lydia’s beginnings in Gilead? Did your view of her change now vs The Handmaid’s Tale? How might THT changed for you, the reader, knowing her story beforehand?

5. What parallels do you see in The Testaments unfolding around us today as our global community combats the coronavirus? What scenes or quotes stood out to you as particularly haunting?

6. Margaret Atwood is a master of the written word. Are there any passages or scenes you marked or highlighted we haven’t yet discussed?

7. Did you notice the two women on the front as well as the two on the back of the dust jacket? Did this give you hints to how the story might end?There are so many incredibly prophetic parallels to our current global crisis and I can’t wait to discuss it with you.

With literary love,

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