Deanna Kline reveals that the COVID vaccine increased morbidity and mortality
Deanna Kline, RN, MSN, AGNP has been with a geriatric medical practice in the US for over 7 years (size ~1,000 patients).
Prior to 2021, all-cause deaths per year were between 7 to 10 people. In 2021, there were 13 deaths. In 2022, there were 36 deaths. In 2023, there were 48 deaths.
Deanna attributes the nearly 5X increase in deaths to the COVID vaccine.
Around 75% of the elderly were vaccinated and the vaccinated had uniformly higher mortality and morbidity.
There was NO reduction in COVID cases in the vaccinated; if anything, they were more likely to be sick.
In addition, she noticed that six cases of RSV in the elderly where normally there would be zero cases. All 6 cases recently received the booster shot.
Also, the vaccinated were more likely to suffer from long COVID compared to the unvaccinated.
Based on her experience at the clinic, Deanna doesn't recommend the COVID vaccine for anyone.
I am still trying to find a clinic where the results were exactly the opposite, but there appear to be no "success stories."
Pathologist Ivana Pavic (Croatia) reveals vax increased your cancer risk by 52%
Death rates went up after vax rolled out in Croatia (63K in 2021 which was a record high vs. 52K in 2019). She found that 65% of those age 15-59 with carcinomas (all stages) were vaxxed, but only 55% got the shots. That means that the vaccines increased your risk of getting cancer by 52% over baseline. Whoa!
Evidence linking the COVID vaccines to >100,000 excess deaths in US in 3 months
I interview Fabian Spieker who is a data scientist in Germany who has looked at the US data and discovered that the COVID vaccines are associated with mortality, particular one 3 month period where he believes over 100,000 excess deaths were caused by the shots.
He also said never in his life have any of his friends had a cardiovascular adverse event. Since the shots rolled out, 8 people he knows experienced a serious CV event within 1 week of their vaccination, and all 8 of them are aged 45 and younger. Do you think it was just a coincidence? ;)
This is like how Lara Logan said she knew 20 people who died from the COVID vaccine and 1 from COVID.
Too many of these anecdotes from credible people for the COVID vaccine to be safe.
I personally know 2 people who died from the vaccine, many who were seriously injured, but nobody i know died from COVID.
And the outside professional surveys show results that much worse.
Nurse Gail Macrae reveals stunning facts about the COVID vax and protocols
This is the most important interview I've ever done.
You will learn that 95% of the COVID deaths in hospitals were caused by the hospital protocols, not COVID.
That it was the COVID shots, not COVID, responsible for 8X increase in code blues per shift as well as a 4X increase in hospitalization rates.
And more...
Pediatrician Doug Hulstedt reveals that up to 90% of autism is caused by vaccines
Doug has seen 150 autism cases in his practice. He believes AT LEAST half of those are caused by vaccines. But he had 44 "rapid onset" autism cases where autism developed within less than a two week period. He noticed that 100% of those rapid onset cases happened after a vaccine. If every child gets vaccines every 6 months, it is statistically impossible (on order of 1e-25) for 44 events to happen in two weeks. Which means vaccines cause autism. Pediatricians are trained to NEVER look at such statistics because you don't want to blame vaccines.
Doug points out that Dr. Stephanie Cave told him that up to 90% of autism cases are caused by vaccines.
Leading autism researchers have said privately that vaccines cause autism but are not allowed to talk about this. This is why Richard Frye, for example, will not talk to me. He knows.
Doug had his medical license revoked for writing a vaccine exemption.
So Doug is allowed to speak freely. The other doctors are not allowed to speak freely and will decline to comment on this video. That's just the way it goes. If you go against the narrative, you will lose your license. So nobody does it.
Number of autism experts in the world who claim vaccines don't cause autism who are open to a live debate with scientists who disagree: ZERO.
What does that tell you?
Statistician William Briggs on his analysis of my New Zealand analysis
Some people believe Briggs is disputing my analysis. Here are the facts right from the source: HE NEVER LOOKED AT MY ANALYSIS.
He simply wanted to do it his own way and failed to find a signal using HIS methods. That does not mean there isn't a signal. It just means that the way he approached it, he didn't find a significant signal. More on that later.
But the key point is he is not claiming that my method is flawed or wrong, only that it smooths over the data because the buckets are 1 week long. Fine. But even with the "smoothing" the signal is HUGE.
Anyone saying Briggs is saying my analysis is flawed is mistaken. He's only saying that HIS method didn't find a big signal and I'll explain why that is shortly (because he didn't look the at it the right way... can you see his big mistake?).
Statistician William Briggs on whether VERBAL dialog can resolve scientific issues
Here it is. Directly from the "Statistician to the Stars" William M. Briggs who is a respected expert on science and statistics (that not everyone agrees with but that can be said of anyone in the field).
He says it is preposterous that pro-vaccine "scientists" refuse to engage with me in a civil verbal debate. There is nothing requiring debates to done in the peer-review literature. In fact, Briggs argues that such arguments are preposterous.
See more about him here:
We agreed on every point.
We also went through all the attempts to debunk my analysis posted by Dr. Jonathan Laxton on X. Laxton won't do a live dialog and insists on taking pot shots from the sidelines. Briggs basically frowns on this approach; if you want to resolve a disagreement, this is a very inefficient approach. We go through all of Laxton's 5 objections.
COVID vaccine adulteration w/Kevin McKernan, Byram Bridle, Chris Martenson, Steve Kirsch
In this video, you'll learn for the first time why these experts believe that the vaccine IS adulterated, why they believe that the drug companies DELIBERATELY concealed the presence of the SV40 promoter sequence from the regulators, how they cleverly avoided violating the contamination specs by using two DIFFERENT measurement techniques depending on what was being measured, how Health Canada did *NOTHING* to stop the vaccines after admitting the vaccines contain an active ingredient that they were never notified existed and have no clue how damaging it is, how NO health authority in the world is even asking the drug companies any questions like "So, who removed the SV40 promoter label from the diagrams and why did they do it?"), that none of the regulators asked any questions as to "why is *THAT* in there" (the vaccine has lots of things that are in there to do medical research because it appears they used an off-the-shelf formulation used in research to rush to market faster), how the press is remaining silent, why Congress isn't asking any questions, what they think the FDA will do now, how they think Pfizer and Moderna will extricate themselves (or not), how serious the harms are, how many labs has Kevin McKernan shipped his testing kit to, what is the probability of IRREPARABLE harm, why no health authority worldwide will fund the research as to whether or not this irreparably damages your DNA, which media is covering this news, how this will end, why testing monocytes in blood is the best chance for finding a signal, and more!
The bottom line is that the drug companies are now living on borrowed time. I expect to have lab results in <30 days from now. If the data shows irreparable harm from these vaccines, it's all over. The house of cards comes tumbling down.
Stay tuned.
Former police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine
Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city, handled over 250 SIDS death investigations. 50% of those deaths happened within 48 hours after a vaccine shot and over 70% happened within a week of a vaccine appointment. That is "statistically impossible" if the vaccines are safe. The probability of that happening by chance is less than 1.23e-64. That means that something caused these deaths to be proximate the vaccines. The only viable hypothesis is childhood vaccines are causing these deaths. Her data implies that over 86% of the SIDS deaths within the first 48 hours after a vaccine were caused by the vaccine.
For more on this story and the implications, see:
The article makes a compelling case that most of the SIDS deaths are caused by the childhood vaccines. There is no other viable explanation.
Former police officer reveals that 50% of SIDS cases happen within 1 week of a vaccine
She's afraid to reveal her identity or the identity of the police department. She did this for 7 years in a city of 350,000 people and handled 3-4 cases a month.
>>> poisson.sf(150-1,37.5) --> 1.5325902501504573e-43
This means she didn't just get "unlucky." The childhood vaccines are CAUSING the deaths. There is no other way to explain the skew.
This also explains why unvaccinated children rarely die of SIDS.
Make sense now?
They simply aren't allowed to consider the vaccine ever as the cause of death.
That's the way it goes.
Ben Tapper tells the story of SIDS investigations linking SIDS and vaccines
In a town of 300,000 people, two police detectives assigned to investigate SIDS found that 75% of the SIDS cases happened within 48 hours of a vaccine. This was from cases over a 7 year period so around 500 cases total.
To this day, they are afraid of retribution if they talk about it publicly (neither work there anymore). When they brought this up to their superiors, they were told not to say anything about it to anyone.
Ben is sending me the video of one of the police officers saying this. He knows her, and she is a police officer, and there is no reason she would lie about this.
She also spoke about this in 2019 in an early video posted to Ben's telegram channel.
Mother of child who got Type I diabetes from vaccine injection speaks out
Debbie Nease was a believer in vaccines. But after a vaccine injection caused one of her kids to develop Type I diabetes in just a few weeks after the shot, she discovered that she had been lied to and that vaccines aren't safe. No more vaccines for her kids. The doctors shrugged their shoulders when asked to explain how this can happen to a perfectly healthy child just days after he was injected.
Nurse Nikki Hanna reveals that nearly 20% of residents of nursing facility died from COVID vaccine
In this 40 minute video, Nikki Hanna, a charge nurse for 32 years reveals that at her facility, nearly 20% of the residents died within 8 weeks after the COVID vaccines were given.
When the vaccines were first offered, 90% of the nurses signed up for it. Today, NONE of the 20 nurses at her facility are going to get any more COVID shots.
She also reveals 100X increases in the rates of seeing unusual events like sudden dementia (with a test showing the cause) and "turbo cancers."
Jay Bonnar: 15 COVID vaxxed friends died suddenly; 0 unvaxxed friends
High tech sales executive lists 15 vaccinated people who he knows directly who died suddenly/unexpectedly after the vax rollout.
Number of COVID unvaccinated people in his LIFETIME who died suddenly like this? ZERO.
So even if 100% of his friends were vaccinated, the 15 people died suddenly over 2.5 years is hard for anyone to explain, especially since two of them died within 24 hours of the shot!!
Hear his story and the story of his friends in Seattle Washington.
Ask yourself: Why aren't we hearing any "reverse" anecdotes where it is your UNvaccinated friends who are disproportionately dying suddenly?
My $10K bet with Avi Bitterman: the whole story
As you can see from the transcript, there was never an agreement on WHO would be the judge of the debate and HOW the winner was to be determined.
This didn't stop Avi Bitterman from claiming he won.
Proof of how "Debunk the Funk" is a master at misdirection
When you ask for his data, he deliberately points you to a page with NO data. Then when you complain, he gives you another page which is almost 1 year out of data with the data you didn't ask for (I wanted the DEATH data). He then characterizes you as stupid because you can't find what is not there. That's how the misinformation debunkers work. Here's the proof right here captured on video.
Michael Huang, MD has treated THOUSANDS of vaccine injured patients
Dr. Huang has treated thousands of patients for vaccine injury from the COVID vaccine. But in the past 20 years, he's only needed to treat < 5 people from vaccine injury from OTHER vaccines. That's really odd, isn't it? The COVID vaccines are supposed to be safe and effective. So how can there be so many injured people?
Here's his story which differs from the official narrative.
Someone is lying to you.
Former fireman Will Wingert turns from pro- to anti-vax
He is vaccine injured, maybe for life. He now realizes that we were right.
Mark Skidmore wrote a paper that goes against the mainstream narrative
His paper showed that over 200,000 people were killed by the COVID vaccines in the first year. The journal is looking at retracting his paper because they don't like those numbers. You can't make this stuff up.
Byram Bridle: there is no evidence of a net benefit from the COVID vaccines
I talked with Professor Byram Bridle who is an expert on virology. Turns out they lied to you. The current vaccines do not reduce your risk of infection, hospitalization, or death. Here's the proof.
Interview with cardiologist Thomas Levy
We discuss his article:
Basically, the vaccines are causing heart injury in at least 2.8% of people who get the shot. So 7M Americans now have hearts damaged by the COVID vaccine. He admits the number could be over 100M. The fact that the FAA *quietly* changed the EKG parameters for pilots suggests that the vaccine is causing a huge number of pilots to fail their screening. This is a tacit admission of a huge problem.
He can be found at
See my article at for all the details.
MIT Professor Retsef Levi talks about the Israeli vaccine safety study
I interviewed Retsef Levi after the Israeli Ministry of Health video was leaked to the world.
See this substack for details:
No one in mainstream media wanted to talk to him, so it was easy to get the interview.
Med school student (Karan) argues that it is impossible for the COVID vax to kill people
Karan, whose last name he asked me not to divulge, is a 5th year med school student in the UK.
He reached out to challenge me on my claim that the vaccines have killed more people than they save.
I accepted because he said he was certain he could prove to me that the deaths could not have been caused by the vaccine.
He didn’t argue that any of the data showing this to be the was incorrect. He just said it couldn’t possibly have been the vaccines because vaccines approved by the FDA and other regulatory agencies don’t kill people.
He claimed that even though he doesn’t know what is in the vials, he’s aware of all possible mechanism of action and COVID vaccines cannot cause death.
Did he convince you that the vaccines are safe?
Vote here:
A discussion with Aseem Malhotra
Dr. Aseem Malhotra is a well known UK cardiologist who was promoting the jabs on TV. After his father died suddenly 6 months after he got his vaccine, Aseem started looking into the data on the vaccine and realized what he was told by the authorities was false. Instead of keeping quiet, he spoke out, big time. Thanks to his work and the work of others, pretty much all the cardiologists in the UK are REFUSING to be vaccinated with more COVID vaccines, a complete 180 in just a year. It's just a matter of time before the whole narrative falls apart. He believes (correctly) that NOBODY should take the jab.
See my substack for a list of topics covered:
Aseem's patreon: