Don's thoughts on Duty; Pat Conroy and Anne Frank; Importance of Reading
Chilly's Billy's Spontaneous reflections on Tha Moon: Don Smith’s recent pastoral thoughts on Duty; Pat Conroy’s remembrance of Anne Frank; the importance of reading; and, my responding sentiments!
The Good Samaritan, an Ass-Whuppin’, and Long Hairs in Church
Chilly Billy discusses The Good Samaritan, an Ass-Whuppin’, and Long Hairs in Church.
Hey, man. This is Chilly Billy Howell and I'm out yakkin' on Alcorn Island in the middle of the Moon in my Gitche Manitou Mystic Moonglow Stellar S16G2. I was filming with the GoPro but it got too hot. Imagine that. It is over 100° heat index.
I've been thinking about The Good Samaritan.
Madge and I went to St. Peter's Episcopal Church last Sunday when we sometimes worship when we are in Oxford. They had a visiting padre ( Rev. Hank Dunn ) that spoke about The Good Samaritan, the importance of helping the broken, not being judgmental, not leaving things undone.
In the Good Samaritan story, the Jews and the Samaritans kinda hated each other back in the day after Soloman's reign, when the 10 tribes went north and two tribes went south, Judah and Benjamin. At the time, the Jews considered the Samaritans as being unclean and unworthy.
The story is a young man asked Jesus, what must I do to be saved? And Jesus said, you have got to love God and love your fellow man as yourself, and love your neighbor as yourself. Basically. And the man said, who is my neighbor? And Jesus told the story of The Good Samaritan.
A Jewish man was walking down the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. He got robbed, got his butt whupped, got beat up and left half dead. A priest walked by; he didn't help him, he walked on the other side of the road. A Levite walked by and did the same thing.
You have got to remember the priests were Levites but all Levites weren't priests, but that is for another day.
They wouldn't even help him even though they were supposed to be uber empathetic by nature of their position.
Then a Samaritan came by. They and the Jews didn't even get along. He stopped and helped the man, nursed his wounds, put oil and wine on them. Took him to an inn, and paid for the innkeeper to take care of him, and said any other fees that are charged, just let me know and I will come back and pay those too. That's a good samaritan!
Also, Rev. Dunn said something really good aboutfind within ourselves what we criticize in others. Wow! I deal with that a lot.
And the coup de grâce was a quote by Frederick Buechner, a Christian apologist back in the day, who said that God calls us to a place where our deep gladness meets the world's deep hunger. Because we can't solve every problem but if we have something we really get joy from, and that isn't self-interest. It's like the difference between happy and joy. Happy is a feeling; joy is intrinsic. Same thing here. A deep gladness is where that God-shaped vacuum within us tells us what it is we are uniquely put here to do.
That was all so powerful to hear.
Then I get up during the tithe, not because I was avoiding it, but I had to go to the restroom. So I'm walking back to the restroom and this guy smirking on the back row looks up at me and he mimics cutting hair, like I needed to cut my long hair. I just went, "Hell no."
I kept walking. I did smile. The difference is if I was still in active addiction I would have probably head-butted him, whupped his ass or at least tried to, or at least we would have had a come to Billy meeting. But, I didn't do that. I did do better. I smiled. Said two words. Came back to my seat and didn't mess with him. That's what I did do. The in addiction is what I would have done. And what I should've done is just smiled at him and kept going. That would have pleased God more.
I got back to my seat; told Madge and we kind of chuckled. And then she pointed at a picture of Jesus behind the pulpit with long hair. Now I'm not making a comparison, I'm just sayin', hair ain't the big issue. If that's what you have got to judge me over, there are plenty of other things you ought to be judgin' me for.
Let's all be a good samaritan.
Y'all have a good day.
— Chilly Billy Howell
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Muggeridge, Lust, Lepers, Freedom & Spirituality
Today, my erstwhile kinsman, Malachi Montroy, who travels with me solo when we kayak, he wrote, we haven't even begun to see the beginning of woes. That is not because he is excited about it, and it ain't because he is a prophet. But you can look at things in the natural and see that there are some hard times possibly coming.
And then after that, after Madge and I had our devotional this morning, we started that back when covid hit and its the highlight of both of our days before she goes to work or I go to work. Afterwards, when we have time, we talk. This morning she was reading me an article out of the Epoch Times by Annie Holmquist titled "Finding Hope As Gas Prices Rise and Society Tanks". Holmquist noted, sometimes when tough times hit, it isn't anything like what we want, there is nothing pleasant, but out of that can come more spirituality.
Madge was reading the article to me and it mentioned Malcolm Muggeridge's name. I hadn't thought of him in awhile. When I was in bible college back in the '80's, I remember hearing a speaker that came through who mentioned Malcolm Muggeridge; it was the first time I had heard his name.
The speaker gave an analogy of what Malcolm said sin or lust was like. Muggeridge had been in the Indian Ocean swimming and looked in the distance and saw these brown, gorgeous women swimming who he thought were nude. He swam over there in a hurry full of lust and he got there and it was a leper colony of women. That is not to diminish lepers. Jesus sure loved them and wasn't scared of them. Muggeridge went over there thinking they were these gorgeous women and they were all disfigured and missing noses and ears and arms.
It shows that often what we lust after isn't what we get. How often does that happen? Like, all the time.
Malcolm Muggeridge is quoted in the Holmquist article a good bit. Essentially, Muggeridge was a complicated cat. When Muggeridge was in, he was all in. His dad has been a big socialist and politician in England back in early 1900's.
Muggeridge as a young man went to Russia. He was enamored with communism in the '30's and early '40's, during the Stalinist era. He got over the Russia and figured out, socialism and communism wasn't quite what he thought they were. So he became a rabid anti-communist.
Basically the article was saying that Muggeridge said that our western lifestyle is going to end up being the undoing of us. And, I think its true; we have got so much prosperity and we are used to so many amenities. But this article talked about how Muggeridge was moved by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn had been in a gulag for many years and ended up being demonstrably anti-communist. I have read one book by him (One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich) and started another one but it was just too big, called The Gulag Archipelago.
Sometimes, until we lose our freedom we don't appreciate the fact we have freedom and in losing our freedom, I think Muggeridge quoted Solzhenitsyn saying that he and other folks that had been through the gulag system, in the eastern block in political prisons, that often when they lost their freedom is when they found it and that is when they looked to their spiritual man and not just the physical.
In looking to the spiritual, your spirit is saved, and possibly, your body. But if you take care of just the physical, and not the spiritual, then both are lost.
Muggeridge went through a Christian conversion in the '60's. He was the guy that introduced Mother Teresa of Calcutta to the world.
Y'all have a good day.
—Chilly Billy Howell
Malachi Montroy Hits #1,500th Quote
Malachi Montroy hits 1,500 quotes today! Chilly Billy Howell shares them daily to friends only on via FB & IG Stories! Project possibly coming soon! Stay tuned! 🙏❤️😃
Chilly Billy Jack and the Crack Pipe…
Chilly Billy discusses Blly Jack and the government handing out crack pipes to addicts!
Tribute to Mark Benson
Chilly Billy honors the passing of a friend and important member of the creative economy in Clarksdale!
Chilly Billy pontificates on poets, writers, and Shakespeare
Chilly Billy explains how his attention-deficit brain approaches his internal need for sharing said thoughts!
American Dirt: Left and Right
Chilly Billy spontaneously pontificates non-politically on the bestseller American Dirt!
Spontaneous Thoughts on Birth and Rebirth
by Chilly Billy Howell, a Thankful Grandfather
Spontaneous thoughts on birth and rebirth by a thankful Grandfather lead this thankful Christian to a continued awareness of the miracles surrounding us at all times.
So, Rebirth for the Christian is the biggie; running a close second is the physical birth of a fully functioning, distinctly different from anyone else, marvelously “knitted” together in the womb of a mother, child of Promise. What a miracle! Thank you, Lord.
Seeing this new creation, created in God’s image, reaffirms my belief in the miracles of birth and rebirth.
It is easy for us, specifically me, to get anesthetized to the wonder, wildness and incredible design in this temporal moment we call life. Rebirth may be more difficult to see; birth is not. Seeing and hearing a precious child immediately after being cocooned inside an expectant mother’s midsection for about nine months serves as a catalyst augmenting my Faith in rebirth.
Rebirth, for a Christian, is a mysterious-yet-believable point of recognition that we are not our own masters. Even in the most animistic cultures, the aboriginal inhabitants would have never fathomed that they were the end-all. They looked above and beyond.
In my opinion—and it’s just that, an opinion—too often our predecessors from more primitive civilizations worshipped the creation not the Creator. As Christians, we seek the Originator of the marvelous creation we see around us.
In doing so, we believe, we are led to the Triune, monotheistic God of the Bible. The Bible being God’s inerrant Word and history of His dealings with mankind until the era of the 1st Century Church.
We believe that God the Father sent God the Son into the world to live a completely righteous life and to die for the sins of the World, the only propitious-yet-mysterious way that a Holy God could by Grace, not human merit, admit us into His presence to some degree now and fully in Eternity.
Requires Faith! Absolutely! Can I prove it? Absolutely not! Can I testify that He is an all powerful, all knowing, at all times everywhere, good, gracious and anxious to redeem my failings Lord? Absolutely!
However, in a belief in God’s mysterious incarnation, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus the Christ, who was with God and the Holy Spirit always, we as Christians believe what is said in the Bible that we inherit eternal life in his presence once our temporal bodies, governed by the Second Law of Thermal-dynamics (entropy), which asserts that carbon-based entities deteriorate over time cease to exist. Yet, our Spirit—the essence of mankind—lives on!
Similar to my scrambled video wanderings, this post just went where it went. If not interested, always feel free to keep moving. I don’t like to preach; I’m just trying to explain my often-thought-to-be understood attention-deficit mindset always informed by my Judeo-Christian beliefs.
So, Rebirth for the Christian is the biggie; running a close second is the physical birth of a fully functioning, distinctly different from anyone else, marvelously “knitted” together in the womb of a mother, child of Promise. What a miracle! Thank you, Lord
—Chilly Billy Howell
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Spontaneous thoughts on birth and re-birth by a thankful Grandfather!
Chilly Billy reflects on birth and rebirth while smoking a stogie on The Moon (Lake)! Thankful for the birth of another grandson! ❤️🙏😃
An Addict’s JIHAD & Agrarian Living
Spontaneous reflections on addiction and Agrarian life in the Mississippi DELTA by Chilly Billy Howell, Delta Bohemian tour guide!
Ruminating on the Passing of a Friend
A spontaneous reflection on the passing of a friend en route to his funeral by Chilly Billy Howell, Delta Bohemian Tour Guide!
Documentary about Clarksdale with Charlie Musselwhite
Originally published on youtube on November 19, 2015.
CLARKSDALE! "It Is What It Is and The Sun Never Sets On Cool," - wise words from Redd Paden.
See this unique place through the eyes of music legend and multiple Grammy Award Winner Charlie Musselwhite and Chilly Billy Howell (formerly Poor William) of Delta Bohemian Tours and a Clarksdale born and raised native.
This is a real documentary about Clarksdale, Mississippi, heart of the Mississippi Delta and home of the birthplace of the blues. These shots were all taken spontaneously over the course of two days except for some of the music footage. Charlie Musselwhite loves Clarksdale and he let us follow him around some.
Footage of music from Red's Blues Club, Ground Zero Blues Club, Hambone Gallery, Juke Joint Chapel, Hopson Commissary and more. Musicians featured include Leo "Bud" Welch, Big George Brock, Robert "Bilbo" Walker, Lightnin' Malcolm, Josh "Razorblade" Stewart, Anthony "Big A" Sherrod, Christone "Kingfish" Ingram, Charlie Musselwhite, Walt Busby, Bill Abel, Jon Popper, Cedric Burnside, Stan Street, Lee Williams, Heather Crosse, and more.
A big thank you to our dear friends Charlie and Henrietta Musselwhite and Charles Evans for letting us film them as they wandered around their beloved Clarksdale on November 2, 2015.
We especially appreciate our very good friend Red Paden for all he does to keep the blues alive in Clarksdale. He, Roger Stolle and Mayor Luckett are integral parts of our blues music scene in Clarksdale along with a host of many others....too many to mention. We are grateful to our local friends who tolerate us and allow us to film and photograph in their establishments and while they perform.
We consider ourselves very blessed to be natives of Clarksdale and the Mississippi Delta. We hope you will come visit soon. If you do, please give Magical Madge and Chilly Billy a shout. Visit for more information. AND BY ALL MEANS, TAKE A DELTA BOHEMIAN TOUR WITH Chilly Billy.
Happy New Year 2022 from The Delta Bohemian Chilly Billy
Delta Bohemian Chilly Billy reflects and shares.
Visit for original post.
Bill Luckett 1948-2021
A photo montage of Bill Luckett using photos on my phone. The short video illustrates a diverse reflection. He gave much to our Clarksdale community.
We will miss Bill. May he rest in God’s eternal peace. 🙏
We send our heartfelt prayers and sympathies to Francine and the family during this difficult time.
Chilly Billy and Magical Madge Howell
(Not sure why quality is so bad. To view in high resolution, view on our Delta Bohemian Facebook Page.)
Hopson Commissary owner James Butler Interview
Chilly Billy visited with his good friend, James Butler, owner of Hopson Commissary in Clarksdale.
Coronavirus - Don't Stand By Me
Sung by Bethany Howell, Chilly Billy's insanely gifted daughter!
She gets right at the heart of these Coronavirus Blues times. Don't Stand By Me.
Seriously, though. We do need to all pull together and be supportive of one another....while keeping our distances apart. So, although don't stand by me too closely, but do stand by me in heart. And may we look to our higher power, our heavenly and all powerful, all knowing God for guidance and strength and love and peace, now and forevermore!
Good comes out of all things. Keep your eyes wide open. Blessings abound!
What a Wonderful World
I felt like singing what a wonderful world.
Clarksdale Coolest Place To Stay
The Delta Bohemian Guest House is an authentic historical home located only three blocks from downtown Clarksdale, birthplace of the blues, with Mississippi Delta ambiance. The unique property shared a large, private backyard garden with the Clarksdale White House. Co-founders of The Delta Bohemian Magical Madge and Chilly Billy Howell are owners.
The DBGH will accommodate two adults. One bedroom features a premium king-size bed. The second smaller bedroom and upstairs sitting area has a twin-size day bed.
This accommodation provides privacy, comfort and attention to detail. Sophisticated. Discreet. Quiet. Safe. Funky. Upscale.
HUFFPOST ranked Delta Bohemian Guest House as the "Coolest Place to Stay in Mississippi." Read about it here:
Clarksdale has many unique options of places to stay. If you want to check them all out, visit this article which lists them. Come on and visit Clarksdale. You won’t want to leave.
Clarksdale - A Change is Gonna Come 🙌
Coahoma Community College Choir singing Clarksdale native Sam Cooke’s song, “A Change is Gonna Come” at the Tennessee William Mississippi Writers Trail marker unveiling. Love it!! What a beautiful celebration!
#clarksdale #coahomacommunitycollegechoir #visitclarksdale #tennesseewilliams #mississippiwriterstrail #
#thankyouLord 🙌
Pap Pap’s Clock 🕰 Room in Clarksdale White House
Pap Pap’s Clock 🕰 Room in the Clarksdale White House features a king-size bed, comfortable seating areas and a full size private bathroom.
The Honey 🍯 Room in Clarksdale White House
The Honey 🍯 Room in the Clarksdale White House features a king-size bed, sitting area and large private bathroom.