Kamala Harris doesn’t answer a single question, wags her finger & yells in her trainwreck interview on Fox News: "You know and I both know what I’m talking about!" Bret Baier: "I actually don’t. What are you talking about?"
Kari Lake while NBC asking irrelevant questions & constantly arguing: Can we talk about the issues people care of? NBC: We'll talk about that later. Lake: Let's do it now. People don't care about what you're talking about.
9 days until this POS expiration: Biden can't even read a phone number from a script in front of him, says to Kamala "you fire away, no pun intended" while talking about the fire devastation in LA, blames "global warming."
WTH was that? Biden at the WH 4th of July celebration: "I've been all over the world with you. I've been in & out of battles, anyway... I'm not going anywhere... who in the hell we are... they get me to stop talking..."
Donald Trump Jr. calls MSNBC reporter a "clown" to his face and tells him to "get out of here" at the RNC after the reporter started talking about children in "cages."
Biden's Press Sec on the Biden White House being in "full-blown freak out mode" as Biden's polling continues to tank: "What are you talking about?.. what are you talking about?.. Peter!"
Q: Can you explain how are you going to pay for your economic policies? Kamala: "Just look at it in terms of what we are talking about... what that will do and what will pay for will be tremendous we've seen it when we did it..."
Grandpa Joe walking & talking: "Mohammed bin Salam, excuse me, Mohammed bin Salman... since he’s not speaking today… Maybe he is speaking today. I had a note he wasn’t speaking... I’m gonna stop there."
Biden gets booed in Lake Tahoe, calls Trump "handsome guy," mumbles about funding for a new vaccine, blames Republicans for not talking about his accomplishments...
Yikes! Biden mumbling and yelling like a cognitively declining madman on his ass-kissing media: "I've been testing myself! It drives me nuts people talking about this! Watch me! Watch!"