Julie Green, General Flynn & Tom Renz | De-Dollarization | Is De-Dollarization Happening Now? Are Global Digital Health Passports & Central Bank Digital Currencies Around the Corner? Is Expiring Money Near? “It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn
Silicon Valley Bank | What Does the Silicon Valley Bank Failure Mean for YOU NOW?! "The Thing That I'm Most Concerned About Long Term Is That They Are Going to Use This As a Cover Story for a Central Bank Digital Currency." - Carol Roth
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Apply to a Bank to Get a Loan. Now Increasingly In Many Banks, It Is An AI Deciding Whether to Give You the Loan or Not." - Yuval Noah Harari (12/6/2024)
CBDCs | "SWIFT (Society For World Wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications), Announced It's Intention to Launch New Central Bank Digital Currencies In 12-24 Months." - 3/27/24 | CBDC Launch Announced
Mike Adams, Robert Kiyosaki & Catherine Austin Fitts | Do Central Bank Digital Currencies End Freedom? Why Are Globalists Buying Up the Earth’s Gold NOW? Are CBDCs “The Mark of the Beast” System? Are Bank Bail-Ins & CBDCs Coming?