Entrepreneurship | Practical Plan for Building a Successful Business: How to Optimize Your Business Including: Branding, Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Workflow Design, Human Resources, SEO, Accounting, Etc.
Business | Learn How Clay Clark Helped to Grow SnowBearAir.com By 30% In Under 9 Months By Implementing Turn-Key Branding, Marketing, Sales, Service, Accounting, Human Resource, Workflow and Accounting Systems
Business Podcast | Customer Service + The Power of Implementing Merit-Based Pay Versus Paying Your Team a Flat Salary + Increase Your Profits By Offering Great Customer Service + Tebow Joins Business Conference!
Business Podcast | "If You Design Something, Keep Iterating Until They Love It! When People Love Your Service They Become Your Marketing!" - Chesky (Co-Founder of AirBNB.com) | Why People Love MakeYourDogEpic.com