1. Jesse Duplantis Claims To Be God's Gift??? Wraps Himself In Bow - Isaiah 9:6 False Teaching

    Jesse Duplantis Claims To Be God's Gift??? Wraps Himself In Bow - Isaiah 9:6 False Teaching

  2. Pedophile's discovery of his 'sexual orientation' celebrated in new German play A Map's Tale

    Pedophile's discovery of his 'sexual orientation' celebrated in new German play A Map's Tale

  3. Why Is Dallas Jenkins Using Advertisements With Satan Mocking Jesus?

    Why Is Dallas Jenkins Using Advertisements With Satan Mocking Jesus?

  4. "jesus" From The Chosen Is A Member Of The Knights Templar AND Thinks He Is A Leader Of The Church?

    "jesus" From The Chosen Is A Member Of The Knights Templar AND Thinks He Is A Leader Of The Church?

  5. Should We Be Thinking Of Jonathan Roumie When We Pray??? The Chosen

    Should We Be Thinking Of Jonathan Roumie When We Pray??? The Chosen

  6. The Devil Conspiracy? You Are Not Going To Believe This - If The Antichrist Could Direct Film...

    The Devil Conspiracy? You Are Not Going To Believe This - If The Antichrist Could Direct Film...

  7. Is God Revealing Himself In All Religions??? Pope Francis Thinks So

    Is God Revealing Himself In All Religions??? Pope Francis Thinks So

  8. After Praising Gay People Andy Stanley Shows Hated For The Bible???

    After Praising Gay People Andy Stanley Shows Hated For The Bible???

  9. Gretchen Whitmer Defends Killing Babies In Abortion Because It Is Just Good Economics?

    Gretchen Whitmer Defends Killing Babies In Abortion Because It Is Just Good Economics?

  10. What Happens After You Apostatize - The New Evangelicals Pro LGBTQ - Deconstruction

    What Happens After You Apostatize - The New Evangelicals Pro LGBTQ - Deconstruction

  11. Satanic Worship At The Grammy's? Kim Petras And Sam Smith Unholy Devil Worship

    Satanic Worship At The Grammy's? Kim Petras And Sam Smith Unholy Devil Worship

  12. Why Is The Creator Of The Chosen Directing A Mormon Film Now? - The Shift - Dallas Jenkins

    Why Is The Creator Of The Chosen Directing A Mormon Film Now? - The Shift - Dallas Jenkins

  13. Abrahamic Family House Is Complete - A Closer Look Gulf News - Pope Francis - Mystery Babylon

    Abrahamic Family House Is Complete - A Closer Look Gulf News - Pope Francis - Mystery Babylon

  14. False Crucifixions on Stage During Easter Morning Service at Mike Todd’s Transformation Church

    False Crucifixions on Stage During Easter Morning Service at Mike Todd’s Transformation Church

  15. Morning Reads: Acts 4:23-31; John 5:24-30; &Psalm 62(63)- “Power in Prayer”- “The Holy Trinity”

    Morning Reads: Acts 4:23-31; John 5:24-30; &Psalm 62(63)- “Power in Prayer”- “The Holy Trinity”

  16. DAYS 37-38-“HOPE IN TROUBLE”(John 16:33)-“TAKE HEART” (Matthew 14:22-33)-“Deflection Is My Struggle”

    DAYS 37-38-“HOPE IN TROUBLE”(John 16:33)-“TAKE HEART” (Matthew 14:22-33)-“Deflection Is My Struggle”

  17. DAY15: Blended Gospels- Peter’s Hesitation- Give Thanks Always to God- Communion is Life

    DAY15: Blended Gospels- Peter’s Hesitation- Give Thanks Always to God- Communion is Life

  18. Morning Reads- Walk in the Light- Peter is Restored- Forever Virgin Mary The Mother of God

    Morning Reads- Walk in the Light- Peter is Restored- Forever Virgin Mary The Mother of God

  19. Food for the Soul, Bible verse for July 9, 2022

    Food for the Soul, Bible verse for July 9, 2022

  20. The Bible Day 84: Divine Wisdom, Legalistic Challenges, and Purification

    The Bible Day 84: Divine Wisdom, Legalistic Challenges, and Purification

  21. Good Evening: Matthew 11:28-30- The “YOKE” of Christ- Finding Rest in Christ

    Good Evening: Matthew 11:28-30- The “YOKE” of Christ- Finding Rest in Christ

  22. Proverbs15: Righteous Responses - Good is now Bad-Bad is now Good Preserve Truth or Lose Freedom

    Proverbs15: Righteous Responses - Good is now Bad-Bad is now Good Preserve Truth or Lose Freedom

  23. Paul’s Mission- Peace I Leave with you The True Vine Closing Message- Beware of The Wolves-

    Paul’s Mission- Peace I Leave with you The True Vine Closing Message- Beware of The Wolves-
