Opinion Formers, The Authorized Narrative, Dr. Phil, Desensitizing the Public to Certain Topics + The Black Eye Club, A Warning to Brotherhood Members to Keep the Secrets or Else (Lose an Eye)
Light Side and Dark Side of the System, Satan's End-Time Agenda + 3 Main Orders: The Order of the Golden Dawn, The Order of the Phoenix, The Order of Melchizedek (Practise Different Magick) + Initiates of the Flame by Manly P. Hall
ROR#199 The Anti-Christ, The Great Apostasy, JFK + The 4 'P's: The Prophet, The Priest, The Phoenix and The Pindar + The 4 Kings. Are The 4 'P's and the 4 Kings 8 of the 10 Horns?
The "Vaccine" Mandates, This Was a Bioweapon that was Planned for Generations + No Weapon Formed Against Us Can Succeed + We Can Anoint, We Have to Claim Our Authority, Here and Now + The Great Apostasy
Justin Bieber Video, Yummy Decode, Yummy is a Pedophile Word, Asian + Pink, Child Abduction Codes, Food Like Body Parts, Glasses-Mirrors, Sandwich Face
Clip of an Exorcism with Ed and Lorraine Warren + Changeling Spirits, Illuminati Protectors, Vampires and Werewolves, Connected to Spirits at the Age of 5 + It's Not an Illusion, Their Bones Actually Do Move
Satan's Angel of Light Form, Alluring, Golden Glow + Jesus, Man on Fire, Rescued Jessie From Catacombs, "Ask of Me What You Will," Jessie Asked to Get Them All Out of the System
Stones, Crystals, Laurie Cabot Kent, Grand High Priestesses, Vibration and Song + Demons Masquerade as Angels of Light, The Price to Pay for Magick + Miracle