2 years agoANGELA STANTON 5 | Low salt diets DECREASE BLOOD VOLUME, so… HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoANDREW HUBERMAN 1 | PEOPLE with ADHD can HYPERFOCUS on things & people they really loveDoctors To Trust
2 years agoDON LAYMAN 1b | ANIMAL PROTEIN: Adult 1.2g per weight in pounds; Endurance 1.6g; Strength 2.2gDoctors To Trust
1 year agoCALLEY MEANS 2 | BIG FOOD ADDICTS innocent people; BIG pharma/healthcare ‘cleans up mess’Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNASHA WINTERS 2 | CLEAN cytoplasm & fuel = cells keep genetic & epigentic expression STRONGDoctors To Trust
2 years agoTED NAIMAN | CLASSIC: MAIN FACTOR IN FAT LOSS? PROTEIN FIRST 1g per 1pound bodyweight; rest is easy!Doctors To Trust
2 years agoPAUL MASON 4a | Many sources of oxidation in our blood leading to mortalityDoctors To Trust
2 years agoBRET SCHER | CLASSIC: High animal-protein diet DECREASED GOUT Due to: improved insulin resistanceDoctors To Trust
1 year agoANDREW HUBERMAN 3 | 1g EPA daily can reduce or eliminate need for ADHD medsDoctors To Trust
2 years agoSARAH ZALDIVAR 1 | LOSE SWEET TOOTH in14 days…FREEDOM to really taste & enjoy real food; feel great!Doctors To Trust
2 years agoSHAWN BAKER 1a | Uncle reversed diabetes…she reversed Crohn’s, bipolar, PCOS w/ animal-based eatingDoctors To Trust
2 years agoSARAH ZALDIVAR 3 | CARNIVORE has nothing that is addictive…in 2 weeks sugar cravings go awayDoctors To Trust
2 years agoSARAH ZALDIVAR 2 | EXERCISE destroys zombie cells…best anti-aging PrescriptionDoctors To Trust
2 years agoCHRIS PALMER 1 | Depression: #1 mental illness/cause of disability Current med-based treatments FAILDoctors To Trust
2 years agoELIZABETH BRIGHT 1 | EXCESS CARB EATING: ‘Soy Boy’ effects: adipose tissue mass at pectorals!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoSTEPHEN PHINNEY c | STATINS: no clinical difference in mortality, but RAISE DIABETES RISKDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNADIR ALI 1 | Low carb results: LOSE WEIGHT; LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE; DROP ALL MEDSDoctors To Trust
2 years agoBEN BIKMAN 3 | ESOPHAGEAL CANCER…insulin resistance drives fat mass to pressure organs UPWARD!Doctors To Trust
2 years agoDR PAUL SALADINO 1 | Depression, fatigue, tinnitus, vertigo… consider MOLD as root causeDoctors To Trust