BEN BIKMAN 4 | LOW FAT eating…thickens bile & builds gall stones

3 years ago
presents episode 367 | Dr Ben Bikman
DR CASEY MEANS Levels podcast

Insulin alters the rate that the liver produces cholesterol...
-and we know that bile is enriched with cholesterol
-bile is what the gall bladder holds onto
-liver delivers everything to the gall bladder:
~water, from the blood
~cholesterol, bile salts, a few other things

hyperinsulinemia, from insulin resistance, accelerates the
production of cholesterol from the liver
-which increases the cholesterol in the bile
-makes the bile thicker, more like sludge
-molecules begin condensing
-the more cholesterol rises...
the more these stones begin to form
-tragically, the advice for decades has been:
eat low fat....this ensures the gall bladder
stays full, while filling up with cholesterol,
bile salts, etc.

The best way to prevent stones is to regularly empty the
gall bladder
-even the slow moving NIH has acknowledged this...
'low fat, low calorie diets are the worst thing
to do because they slow down the
emptying of the gall bladder
THEREBY INCREASING RISK OF STONES'We only empty the gall bladder when we eat fat...
-but because so many have been so fearful of fat for so long:
-the gall bladder has high stasis
'sitting there, never emptying all of this stuff it has'

It has been the perfect storm:
1. low fat: gall bladder is not emptying
2. these low fat foods full of
processed carbs (spiking insulin)

We only empty the gall bladder when we eat fat...
-but because so many have been so fearful of fat for so long:
-the gall bladder has high stasis
'sitting there, never emptying all of this stuff it has'

It has been the perfect storm:
1. low fat: gall bladder is not emptying
2. these low fat foods full of
processed carbs (spiking insulin)
3. making bile thicker: more stones!!

Once gall bladder is removed....
-study in rodents (very applicable to humans):
-when rodents have their gall bladder removed 2 things happen
(same for humans)
1. higher rate of enterohepatic recycling of bile
~liver now able to produce bile quickly
~we recycle bile, after it emulsifies fat
in the intestines
~it is reabsorbed back into the blood

Once gall bladder is removed....
-study in rodents (very applicable to humans):
-when rodents have their gall bladder removed 2 things happen
(same for humans)
2. When we recycle bile salts (normally it is just dumped)
~it is now reabsorbed much more

'Bile salts actually stimulate UNCOUPLING
of mitochondria in fat cells, so
metabolic rate goes up significantly!'

So, there is this totally unrelated aspect of bile salts...
-when in the blood, induces the burning of body fat
by making our fat cells have a much higher metabolic rate!

Paradox: when we eat more fat...
-we produce more bile
-which induces the burning of more fat

'balance between gut bile purposes &
blood bile effects'


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