PAUL MASON 4a | Many sources of oxidation in our blood leading to mortality

2 years ago
presents episode 675 | Dr Paul Mason
Low Carb Down Under podcast

Key root cause of heart disease...
[chemical reaction when electron
torn away from molecule]
Like rust
Oxidized LDL and other sources of
oxidation in blood does this to
-proteins, and
-fats in our
blood cells

Free radicals are molecules that
can cause oxidation damage...
"It is the oxidation that is bad.
non-oxidized LDL is fine"
Any source of oxidation in blood
can damage the vessel lining
LDL can be a very effective
vehicle of oxidation...but
"Oxidation is major CAUSE
of heart disease"

Any source of oxidation is harmful
-what we inhale
"When Eisenhower suffered his
heart attack, he was smoking
2 to 3 packs cigarettes/day"
Pollutant particles can enter our
circulation system
"There is a strong correlation
between pollution and
cardiovascular mortality"

triples the risk of dying of
heart disease & stroke
1962 research showed that
glucose abnormalities occurred
in 73% of heart attack patients
Oxidative stress comes from
high & fluctuating glucose in

High glucose :
-raises risk of blood clots
-stimulates the enzyme that
destabilizes plaques
Chart shows diabetics have much
higher levels of this enzyme


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