Black Mirror | Lara Logan | What In the BLACK MIRROR Is Going On? What’s Up with Disney Movies? What’s Going on w/ Big Tech & Big Government? What’s Going On w/ BRICS & CBDCs? Why Do Musk, Harari, Xi & Schwab All Agree?
Amanda Grace | All Roads Lead to Rome? Has Alice Bailey’s Vision Come to Fruition? One World Religion Around the Corner? Why Was Kissinger Xi Jinping’s Friend? Why Did Two Men Who Lead America’s Disastrous China Policy Die This Week?
China & Russia | "We Are for Use of Chinese Yuan In Settlements Between Russia & the Countries of Asia, Africa & Latin America." - Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) "Change We Haven't Seen In 100 Years." - Xi Jinpin
President Trump Arrest? Trump Says He Will Be Arrested Tuesday | Intl. Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin + China’s President Xi to Visit Vladimir Putin in Russia + Yuval Noah Harari Leading Largest Protests In History of Israel
Lara Logan | What In the BLACK MIRROR Is Going On? What’s Up with Disney Movies? What’s Going on w/ Big Tech & Big Government? What’s Going On w/ BRICS & Central Bank Digital Currencies? Why Do Musk, Harari, Xi & Schwab All Agree?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution | Why Do Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari & Xi Jinping All Agree On Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking?
China | Why Is Putin Planning to Travel to China to Meet With Xi Jinping? | Why Are High-Level Chinese Officials Disappearing? Is China Building 'Ethnic Specific' Bio Weapons That Can Target People Based on Race?
Mel K | 7 Updates You Need to Know Including: Why Is Xi In San Francisco? The Rock Running for President? How Much Gold Does China Have? Why Is Javier Milei a Member of the World Economic Forum? What Are RFK Jr. 's On SMART Electric Grid?
Joe Allen | Transhumanism 101 | How Will the Transhumanism Agenda Impact Your Life? Why Do Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, & Xi Jinping Agree On mRNA Technology, Self-Driving Cars, Universal Basic Income & Carbon Footprints?