1. Studying the WORD of GOD is a skill set that YOU learn through your experience with the LORD!

    Studying the WORD of GOD is a skill set that YOU learn through your experience with the LORD!

  2. A Ronin Mode Tribute to Kanye West The College Dropout Full Album HQ Remastered

    A Ronin Mode Tribute to Kanye West The College Dropout Full Album HQ Remastered

  3. KETTY LESTER with, "Love Letters"

    KETTY LESTER with, "Love Letters"

  4. Episode 250: Headmaster's Homeroom w/Guest: Music Legend: Greg Abate

    Episode 250: Headmaster's Homeroom w/Guest: Music Legend: Greg Abate

  5. Study the Word of God to prove to him that he can Use YOU, and avoid worldly chatter!

    Study the Word of God to prove to him that he can Use YOU, and avoid worldly chatter!

  6. People will be seduced by Evil and mislead by LIES and Error by the Coming of the AntiChrist!

    People will be seduced by Evil and mislead by LIES and Error by the Coming of the AntiChrist!

  7. The Law was given for SINNERS, so they could turn to JESUS, the only ONE that could fulfill it!

    The Law was given for SINNERS, so they could turn to JESUS, the only ONE that could fulfill it!

  8. Delegate your responsibilities to others, as they are DESTINED to do it for YOU!

    Delegate your responsibilities to others, as they are DESTINED to do it for YOU!

  9. The Church Leaders delegate authority over its people, and not Apparel!

    The Church Leaders delegate authority over its people, and not Apparel!

  10. Use Discernment over Receiving PROPHETIC Words about the AntiChrist and Return of JESUS!

    Use Discernment over Receiving PROPHETIC Words about the AntiChrist and Return of JESUS!

  11. It is the LORD Jesus that raises up LEADERS, and why we need to PRAY for the right ones to come in!

    It is the LORD Jesus that raises up LEADERS, and why we need to PRAY for the right ones to come in!

  12. You are QUALIFIED by your FAITH in the LORD Jesus to use the Gifts that He placed inside of YOU!

    You are QUALIFIED by your FAITH in the LORD Jesus to use the Gifts that He placed inside of YOU!

  13. You can have Joy recalling those YOU prayed for Day and Night!

    You can have Joy recalling those YOU prayed for Day and Night!

  14. Did YOU know that You can pray for the LORD to help you love his people more?

    Did YOU know that You can pray for the LORD to help you love his people more?

  15. There is going to be Rebellion and Deceivers because of their traditions apart from Faith in JESUS!

    There is going to be Rebellion and Deceivers because of their traditions apart from Faith in JESUS!

  16. Participate in doing good with Excellence in everything that YOU do!

    Participate in doing good with Excellence in everything that YOU do!

  17. Did YOU know that You can be set free from the immoral desires of the world, because of JESUS?

    Did YOU know that You can be set free from the immoral desires of the world, because of JESUS?

  18. Be obedient to Authorities and Leaders under your care, and not act like the WORLD!

    Be obedient to Authorities and Leaders under your care, and not act like the WORLD!
