"Onward Up America" by Donna Heyer and Kevin Blair

11 months ago

Onward Up America:
My friend Donna Heyer left me with this song after she passed away several years ago in January of 2017. She was 101 years old! She loved the Lord and studied His word every day. She was a very good friend of mine and real listener esp. when things were heavy on my heart. This is a song of bygone times that runs in the blood of every freedom loving human being! The "onward up" mentioned in the song is a distant past "onward up" of yore, when God-given freedoms were enjoyed to a great degree in this temporal world. We are about to lose every vestige of that. The real "onward up" that will never end will happen when Jesus returns!

The words here express the fervent optimism this country gave to the world. The founding of the United States of America was ordained by the God of the Bible. We have here freedoms that have never been granted anywhere else. Liberty of conscience, freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, and the pursuit of happiness, all strive for the Spirit of a Heavenly Patriotism in this country's documents. There's responsibilities that we each have in keeping these freedoms intact. To not let the government go beyond its position of power, is one. Originally, our government was for protecting and enforcing laws based on the Decalogue, to keep us free. It was a republic.

For too long we have become complacent in our duty of being informed and vigilant citizens. We therefore have been attacked from within. Our leaders are corrupt with blatant offences they no longer try to hide. All during Covid and the mask mandates, police state activities of false information and unconstitutional mandates reminiscent of Communist countries, was implemented. The elections were tampered with. Workers were forced to quit their jobs if they didn't get a a Covid vaccine, and many people have died from getting one. Polarization unimaginable has resulted instead of looking into the truth, and looking even deeper into what's behind the controlled opposition. One can see that its all theatre and drama when realizing that Hegelian Dialectic is the main tool of the managerial elite. This is interactive and organic-like in its dire result: The possibility of another civil war.

The battle starts in the schools and in the mind.
Prayer and Scripture studies and active participation in our education system will cede to a cirriculum that fully supports Bible-based learning in all our schools private and public, from nursery school, kindergarten, to college and universities, without merging church and state. Science, math, biology, geology, language, finance, history and all learning from a biblical perspective, will make knowledge much more meaningful and applicable.

All of the these good things mentioned above that made this country great, have now eroded to the point that there will be no return to the America and world we once knew. Our worst enemies seem to have triumphed over us. In 1965 the ten commandments were removed from our schools and the Bible is no longer allowed. This, all over time has ushered anything that will destroy any country and human lives. The worst of recent is the genderification of children as though sexual orientation were arbitrary. When will it be enough? When Christian values are removed from society. The Bible does not belong to any one religion. It simply belongs to anyone who uses it. It can and has been part of this nations heritage without any one religion conducting state affairs or vice versa.

The United states of America and the world are in trouble because we've been indoctrinated instead of educated. With honest study and observation one can see that this country has never been perfect. It has a dark side. Blue Laws also known as Sunday laws are on the books ready to be placed into enforcement. They, along many other antiquated and ridiculous laws have been many years dormant in most states. Blue is the color of God's law when originally given to Moses. They were made of sapphire which is the color of blue. Blue is missing from MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT's (Revelation 17:4,5) colors of scarlet, purple and gold. She will get her blue when Sunday laws are strictly enforced and the seventh day Sabbath is outlawed. America will be spearheading its enforcement. It has a rams horns (gentle, lamb-like) and speaks as a dragon at the end of verse 11 in Revelation 13. I love this country and always will. But this is how things look, yet I have a heavenly optimism for this nation and the nations of the world, as Scripture says that their will be saved nations in heaven! Healed by the tree of life! (Rev. 21:24; and 22:2) The kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His Messiah, and He shall reign forever and ever!” (Rev 11:15) The American dream is indeed a dream, but we don't have to be asleep to dream it. The American dream will only become a reality when we look up yonder to what God has in store for those that love Him. Very soon Jesus Christ will return in the sky and not touch the earth. He will not come down to mingle with and stir up the political factions of this planet. For His Kingdom is not of this world! He's coming to take His people home, and therefore we will rise up to Him and leave this world to live in His heavenly abode of the saved.

Words and music: (c)Copyright2024 by Kevin Blair

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