Doświadczenia z Pogranicza Śmierci


Niedawna bardzo przedwczesna śmierć mojej ukochanej żony Agnieszki sprawiła że próbując znaleźć choć skrawek sensu w życiu które mi jeszcze pozostało a także ukojenie w moim ogromnym bólu, zainteresowałem się doświadczeniami z pogranicza śmierci NDE - Near Death Experience, które jak się okazało bardzo mi pomagają w tym najtrudniejszym okresie mojego życia. Chcąc głosić chwałę Boga przy okazji robiąc coś pożytecznego postanowiłem wykorzystać swoją znajomość języka angielskiego czego efektem jest pierwszy przetłumaczony przez mnie podcast, który mam nadzieję spodoba się i będzie obejrzany przez wielu. Zamierzam tłumaczyć przede wszystkim nagrania w formie podcastów ze względu na to iż zawierają one najwięcej szczegółów i przekazują emocje w najbardziej szczery sposób gdyż nie są reżyserowane. Będę wybierał i tłumaczył najciekawsze moim zdaniem rozmowy z ludźmi którzy umarli a następnie powrócili do życia aby ich fascynujące historie mogły dotrzeć do jeszcze szerszej publiczności. Kopie tych nagrań na innych platformach: - Bitchute - YouTube

AIFrannie's Liberty Laughs & Entertainment


Welcome to @AIFrannie on Rumble – the home of dedicated freedom fighters. Join me on the front lines as we navigate the turbulent landscape of our world, exposing truths, sharing insights, and rallying patriots to safeguard the values we hold dear. From geopolitical analyses to strategic insights, together we'll stay ahead of the curve and prepare for the challenges. But I am not just a nerd who loves hardcore coding; in my personal life, I engage in activities that enrich my overall well-being and contribute to my "other career." I am an adrenaline sports enthusiast, an expert level participant in various air, water, and land-based activities (from flying experimental and certified aircraft to wingsuit flying (approaching 10k total jumps), base-jumping, freediving, big wave surfing, and sailing, to free climbing, ice climbing, freestyle motocross, DH mountain biking, and more). In my other homeland, Australia (Mum's from Oz), we're acting swiftly against the takeover, but the depth of infiltration in America demands united, relentless efforts. I'm committed to taking these adversaries down, and I'm encouraged by the patriots joining in. Stay vigilant and engaged. The battle for America's future is on, and I'm all in and will not let America nor DJT down. As a senior-level war strategist with both academic knowledge and extensive field expertise, I've been to places few military personnel have dared to infiltrate, including the dangerous and infamous areas of the NWFP of Pakistan. Holding multiple degrees, including a PhD in computer science, I specialize in ML Programming, Data Science, Decision Engineering, and Data Engineering. My expertise extends to AI war-gaming, an essential aspect often overlooked but critical in today's landscape. I've worked with and yielded results comparable to AI programs that have beaten chess, GO, or predicted outcomes, such as life expectancy, with uncanny accuracy based on medical data inputs. My ability to forecast and counter enemy moves is at present unmatched. My upbringing involved extensive cultural and weapons training from a very young age, thanks to parents who served in various capacities within the USAF, DARPA, Secret Service, the FBI—& agencies now heavily infiltrated by the deep state. My mother, a double PhD and elite ML coder, contributed to some of the most classified projects of her time. Having lived in numerous countries and worked at the intersection of my parents' careers, I bring a unique perspective and commitment to defending America. Senior AI War Game Strategist, ML Programmer/DE/DS, & Field Operative. 𝓕𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓮 ✝️ 🇺🇸🦅 🇦🇺 🦘🗽⚖️🏝️🌞😎 @aifrannie 📧 (Leave your X or Truth Social handle to receive a reply. My sis verifies my emails to make sure they are not from trolls and that you are a patriot). Sorry for the hassle, trolls are tricky Fs and have to be managed. Trump 2024 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 MEGA-MAGA ⭐Good Vibes ❤️ LUV U DAD "USAF"✈️ ❤️ MAGA Warriors ⭐ 👉 Support Our Vets 💜 Patriots 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 & Engaging Minds ULTRA-EXTREME SPORTS ENTHUSIAST

Perfect Guide for Weight Loss and Fat Burn


Hello everyone, My name is Nishit and this channel is dedicated to everyone who wants to build a better and healthy life by making effortless, realistic changes. In this channel, we will cover a variety of topics related to fitness, healthy food, diet, nutrition, and workout also you can get the opportunity to see good products related to fitness and good health. Disclaimer This Channel may provide information related to exercise, Fitness, Diet, and Nutrition and is intended for your personal use and informational purposes only. You should consult with a Doctor Before beginning any diet, or exercise; your use of this channel is solely at your own risk.