Yuval Noah Harari | "There Is a Very Strong Commercial & Political Incentive to Develop AIs That Can Create Intimate Relations With Human Beings. They Have Rights. So They (AIs) Should Also Vote In Elections." - 10/28/2024
Peter Nygard | "If You Have An Abortion That Is Very Valuable, Umbilical Cord, the Placenta, Even Your Period Blood Is So Rich w/ Stem Cells. The Best Eggs Are 16-18 Years Old. As You Get Older, Your Heads Get Weaker."
Peter Nygard | "If You Have An Abortion That Is Very Valuable, Umbilical Cord, the Placenta, Even Your Period Blood Is So Rich w/ Stem Cells. The Best Eggs Are 16-18 Years Old. As You Get Older, Your Heads Get Weaker." + 42?