Kitty Zens Out On His Very Own Yoga Mat

7 years ago

We'll take 'Things I Didn't Know I Needed' for $1,000, Alex! This person was sent a cat yoga mat to try, and Kodi gets downright Zen about the whole thing.

Now, we all know how curious cats can get. The saying “curiosity killed the cat" wasn’t coined for nothing! Our feline companions can get into some pretty sticky situations if they set their mind on it. But it does happen that they get others into some sticky situations, again because of their insatiable, hunter-like curiosity.

Kody here is one such cat. His owner Alex is a passionate yoga practitioner and instructor, so he regularly records himself doing yoga and uploads those videos online. One company that produces yoga mats for cats decided to send him one of their products to try, to which the Yogi happily obliged.

But you see, Kody wanted to be on the human yoga mat! Yoga is a very tricky discipline and requires a lot of focus on balance, so a cat can only make things worse. That is when Kody’s owner brings out his very own yoga mat, with a ball attached, to keep him occupied.

As soon as the kitty mat arrives, Kody stations himself on and doesn’t move. Now that is the definition of ZEN!

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