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Dog Knows Table Manners While Waiting Patiently For Dinner

6 years ago

Most dogs will eat anything and everything without a moment’s hesitation. Hungry dogs are eager dogs. An eager dog can knock down a food bowl and an owner in one exciting swoop. But not Toby. He is an Australian Shepherd and knows his table manners. He is politely waiting for his dinner to be served. If you want your dog to be like Toby, you should teach him to wait for his food. Before trying to devour your hand as you set his food down, he can also be taught some mealtime manners.

Toby has learned to be patient and he knows how to control his hungry impulses. He is so excited sitting like his human owners at the dinner table because meals are indeed exciting. Dogs can be naughty, but Toby is a very decent and diligent dog. We don’t see often dogs trained to the level of sitting independently at dinner table. This energetic, long-haired, sassy dog is a real show to watch. He is stunning to behold and he requires lots of attention. Equipped with keen mind and sharp observation skills, he appears studious. He looks inquisitively across the table as if he is looking for some clues as to when the dinner will be served. He expects to be ready any time soon and since he can no longer wait, he turns to his owner and puts his sweet paws on her arms to make sure he is waiting for the right purpose.

Toby is a top contender in all levels of obedience and agility. He makes life an adventure. He'll work and play from sunrise to sunset and win your heart with his loyal and loving personality. This versatile dog is a wonderful working dog and a terrific family companion.

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