The News Junkie's Cartoons
The News Junkie's Cartoons

The News Junkie's Cartoons

    Pathetic Biden Propaganda.
    Ice Cream Biden doesn't know a damn thing.
    Run by Democrats and VP Kamala's hometown Oakland, CA: "We did it, Joe!"
    Biden has to ignore the press and focus on making this exhausting shuffle to Marine One — pointing his way there as an excuse and to not get lost.
    Biden: "I'm right here?"
    Italian TV now openly mocking Joe Biden.
    Q: "As a candidate, Biden was telling people to come to the border - so what changed since then?" Biden's Press Sec: "I don't understand, what do you mean?.. I don’t have the context," - anyway blames Trump and GOP.
    Biden's White House Propaganda Clown Show: "Did Jill already speak?.. wait 'til the press leaves."
    Biden demonstrates vigor with a one-step half-jog.
    Chronic liar Democrat Rep. Goldman launches Russia Hoax 2.0 with no blink: "Every election, it seems, the Republicans fall in favor with the Russians." Putin: "I prefer Biden."
    LA Mayor Democrat Bass steps in to answer a question for Biden as he looks confused with a frozen face.
    Elderly care in California: Democrat Pelosi leads Biden, hand-in-hand, to Marine One.
    Dictator Biden brags about ignoring the Supreme Court at taxpayers' expense: "The Supreme Court blocked it. But that didn't stop me."
    Biden Clown Show: "An awful lot of people.. even they pay their loans, their debt increases.. my dad used to say, Joey a, uh, a paycheck is about more than a, uh.. and the economy is growing, it's growing job income across the board."
    Biden in LA: Slow down, Joe.
    Biden calls climate change "the single greatest threat to humanity... national emergency" and forces Americans to buy electric cars but departs LAX in a 30-vehicle motorcade, not a single electric car.
    Biden almost trips twice as he boards Air Force One using the short stairs to avoid tripping.
    Biden demonstrates active healthy well-balanced force because of his vigor and enthusiasm.
    Biden to the press: "Are you ready? I'm looking for, I'm looking at you, we're looking at you. Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"
    MSNBC's Joy Reid says that she as a black woman "literally, physically built this country" and is infuriated that she has not received money for it yet and wants white men including Trump to be in jail.
    Happy resident Biden shuffles to Marine One as he wraps up his long weekend at his Delaware beach house.
    Biden Clown Show in Palestine, Ohio: "I want them to understand that we're not going home, no matter what. This job is done, and it's not done yet." Local Democrat: "Thank you for your laser focus from day one."
    Biden praises Navalny for exposing Putin's corruption, yet he calls FBI whistleblower who's exposing Biden's corruption - a liar: "He is lying.. it's just been a, it's been an outrageous effort from the beginning."
    Biden heads to Palestine, Ohio after 378 days the disaster struck the community, looks lost & confused as the press attempts to ask him questions, stops for a few moments, gives a blank stare, & shuffles away.
    Biden, who has spent 40% of his entire presidency on vacation, screams about the House recess: "Two weeks! They're walking away. Two weeks! What are they thinking?! My God! This is bizarre!.. this is... is... come on!"