The News Junkie's Cartoons

The News Junkie's Cartoons

    MSNBC layout excuses for candidate Kamala to potentially fail the debate with Trump: "She has higher expectations. This has been a very short campaign, just over 100 days. She has to introduce herself to the American people..."
    Mental Institution, that's how Democrats do it: Kamala scares people to death telling them that her opponent is going to end their democracy, then she hugs them chanting "we're gonna be fine, we're all in this together..."
    Teachers Union brainwashing Kamala supporters: "How dare they try to divide parents & teachers! We have to stop them from doing evil things! Teachers & librarians could go to jail if they deem what they're teaching pornographic!"
    Cackling Kamala explains the difficulty with those lids on the Starbucks cups: She is just that kind of "so eloquent, so quick, so intelligent" person you want running the country.
    Artificially Enthusiastic Biden Lying Show: "Welluhhh I like tuhh puht the other, that other nominee for president, the former president, I'd like to put him in the middle of Arizona for awhile!"
    While hiding from the press, Kamala keeps making these idiotic videos and that's supposed to help her somehow to look like a very everyday and likeable person.
    Kamala 2019: "Part of my plan... what we need to do about taking, demilitarizing our schools and taking police officers out of school." 2024: It was a school security officer who forced the shooter to surrender in Georgia.
    You can't make this shit up. Black barber in 2019: "You should write laws specifically for black people. Don't group us in with everybody else." Lawmaker Kamala, nodding: "That's right."
    Democrat Walz runs away when asked by a reporter: "Any reaction to your family saying they're gonna support former President Trump?"
    Biden Clown Show on 'Inflation Reduction Act': "My investments, through my investments, the most significant climate change law ever. It's called the... we we should have named it what it was. Not a joke."
    Democrat Walz 2018 mocks the border wall idea: "I just am waiting to find out how high that wall is. Because then if it's 30 foot tall, you can go invest in the 35 foot ladder. There's money to be made here, you know, system."
    Kamala Clown Show for bused audience: "I love Gen Z. I just love Gen Z. Right? We are running as the underdog. We know what they're capable of on the other side. We like hard work. Hard work is good work. We know how to count."
    Tim Walz making a perfectly normal, staged and scripted appearance picking out donuts: "What am I looking at in a Whoopie Pie? I have no problem picking out doughnuts."
    Q: Why does Kamala flip-flop while claiming that her values haven't change? Press Sec: "Her values haven't changed. Her values matter." Q: Then why her policies have changed? Press Sec blames Trump and lies about everything.
    Why does Democrat Walz always make those one hand or two hand waves like that? And it's always meaningless - he doesn't even really look at whomever he waves to.
    Hilarious "White Democrat Shocked As Black Man Gets ID" video from The Babylon Bee.
    Another obviously fake "famous" story from cackling Kamala: "My grandmother would go into villages in India, because she was Indian, with a bullhorn, talking with the women about the need to have access to abortions."
    You can't make this shit up. Biden's Press Sec lies to the American people with a straight face: "We have seen, now to be clear, we have seen grocery prices come down over the past year or more."
    Cackling Kamala yelling her teleprompter word salad at her tiny crowd.
    Cackling Kamala drags back the Biden clown show: "I trust Kamala, not a joke."
    Yay! All of a sudden, the Creepy Biden theatrical show is back: "I'm not going to be in the White House much, you got to come and see me."
    You can't make this shit up. Biden: "I'm not able to go out in the crowds anymore. The Secret Service doesn't let me." Reporter: "Why not?" Biden: "They say it's too dangerous. No one gets to go out."
    Democrats' lying desperate show: Walz works a lot on hand gestures making up new conspiracy theories including "President Trump will force children into labor."
    2020 Epic: Tulsi Gabbard confronts Kamala in the primary debate, demanding answers on key issues of accountability.
    What a cringe weirdo: What is wrong with Tim Walz?