COVID Secrets - Episode 12 Bonus - Healing Through Faith In God

2 years ago

We are facing extraordinary challenges that cannot be overcome without divine intervention.

This bonus episode begins with Qantas pilot, Graham Hood.

He talks about his brave choice to stand against the vaccine mandates and how he put his faith in God, following his calling to be a voice for Christ.

The adversity he faced and had to overcome will surely inspire you to stand firm in the face of the evils we are facing.

Robert Scott Bell, a homeopathic practitioner challenges many current “norms” we’re witnessing with C0V1D.

Not only does he question the medical profession and how they’ve tried to justify the killing and harm they’ve done using the experimental vax, but he also discusses how to use God’s grace to carry us through challenging times like this.


COVID Secrets - Episode 12 Bonus - Healing Through Faith In God

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