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Truth is not hidden but my truth is not for everyone YOU NEED TO LEVEL UP FIRST

2 years ago

Truth is not hidden but my truth is not for everyone - those who seek real truth find me and use the information i provide to do additional research into what I am saying to validate, if you take the time to watch the live streams or the video in FULL you will get a better understanding so that when i present the info to you , you already have an understanding even if its basic. The channel is here for you to learn, its been a long time I been doing this


  • 0/2000
  • Russia Iran and China are implementing the biggest infrastructure project in the history of the world and its all government projects The western private companies are locked out, Not allowed near things like tge belt and road project. The Chinese saw what Wall street and London did to Russia and they want no part of it. Russia under Putin recovered from the crushing poverty and oligarch gang control. When the Chinese student study in the west, they are learning what not to do. You should know better as Blacks were allowed to immigrate to the UK so they could pay rent, do the jobs no one else would, and give the government an excuse to infinitely expand the police force. By not calling out the Neo-liberal techno-fuedal model you are tacitly supporting it. That means working three gig jobs and giving up 80% of your income on rent and banking fees to people who have never worked.

  • https://ourtube.co.uk/v/VHHaVZ

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