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15 seconds

15 seconds

Order out of Chaos

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Where were we and where are we going?

Blue Pill vs. Red Pill.

Why General Flynn is so important and the ideals of the Founding of America.

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TEXT Dr. Dean Questions #QA at 407-305-3646


  • 0/2000
  • Medicine cabinet

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  • on complete thyroid replacement. ridge/cracks on nails.

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  • This is a dimension duality; but it’s not just duality… its the balance of the duality. Both good/ evil have to remain in balance of each other. The more bad there is- the more the good has to catch up and balance out- as a pendulum swing.

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  • Heard this song a million times X1. What is the point?

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  • It doesn't say "visitors"....the lyrics are: Mirrors on the ceiling The pink champagne on ice And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"

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  • I cannot eat meat!!! It’s about the animales

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  • I cannot eat meat!!! It’s about the animales

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  • I don't always agree with Dr. Dean but I CANNOT argue with his choice of music! I've been listening to my 80's lyrics with a whole new perspective. I too have said to myself....wow...they have been telling us for a looooonnnnggg time. The 80's were the bomb but they were trying to tell us!!

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  • right on!!! <3

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