U.S. Senators Ron Johnson And Ted Cruz Meet Members Of The People's Convoy

2 years ago

ICYMI: Sen. Johnson Meets With The People’s Convoy To Discuss Biden’s Harmful COVID-19 Mandates
March 9, 2022


On Tuesday, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) along with U.S. Sen Ted Cruz (R-Texas) met with representatives of the People’s Convoy to discuss the harmful effects of President Biden’s vaccine mandates and their fight for freedom.

Excerpts from some of Sen. Johnson’s remarks during the press conference and links to press coverage are below.

Senator Ron Johnson:

“We've ignored the science. We've actually listened to somebody who claims he was science. He's not. We've ignored the science ... We have traumatized our society. We have had our freedoms taken away from us. Our response has not been a success. It's been a miserable failure. But here's the problem. The people that foisted this response on us, that even took away our freedoms, they’ll never admit they were wrong. At this point, with a body count as high as it is, they can't afford to be proven wrong, and here's the problem. They have the power. They're the administration, the health agencies, the Big Pharma, the corporate legacy mainstream media, the big tech social media giants. They have the power to make it pretty darn difficult, if not impossible, to prove them wrong. And so what the People's Convoy is all about is the solution is bringing the truth to the American public because the truth is not getting to the American public. Those of us who have been trying to convey the truth, we've been vilified. We've been censored. We've been accused of spreading misinformation. I'm sorry, the misinformation has been spread by the COVID Cartel. They are the ones that have censored the truth. They'll continue to censor the truth, and that is why I'm so appreciative of the people's convoy. They're trying to let the American people understand what has happened to them.”

“Why has the CDC, NIH, and FDA been so non-transparent? Why have they not provided the American public with the information that we need to make tough choices. There’s nothing easy from my standpoint in terms of making the choice to get vaccinated or not vaccinated. That's a personal choice. It should be done with informed consent, but our health agencies have not given people the information.”


Original Video:



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