We've Relied On Doctors Who Don't Practice Medicine & Vilified & Censored Doctors That Do

3 years ago

"If you’re going to adhere to what is normal practice… wouldn’t it be smart to go to doctors who are actually treating the illnesses, rather than rely on the Fauci’s of the world that are sitting in the ivory towers, the public health officials that don’t actually treat patients?

"That is in effect what America has done. We’ve relied on doctors who don’t practice medicine, while we have vilified and censored and ridiculed those doctors that have exposed themselves to the illness - many of them got exposed, they contracted Covid. They treated themselves with using these cheap generic widely available drugs successfully. It has made no sense what we’ve done during this last two years."

-- U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)


Related Links:

COVID-19: A Second Opinion – Washington D.C. Panel Discussion – January 24, 2022


To watch the full 5-hour panel discussion, go here:


To watch a 38-minute video that highlights the most important comments made during the 5-hour panel discussion, go here:



Dr. Peter McCullough: How Many Of You Have Been Harmed As The Result Of Your Advocacy For Your Patients?

Dr. Pierre Kory - The Extraordinary Success Of Using Ivermectin To Treat COVID-19 Around The World

Dr. Paul Marik - Why Have Cheap, Safe, And Effective Drugs Been Ignored Which Could Have Saved 500,000 Lives?

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty - How The Foundational Principles Of Medical Ethics Have Been Ignored

Dr. Robert Malone: “Where There Is Risk There Must Be Choice”

Dr. Paul Alexander - Natural Immunity Is Far Superior To Vaccine Immunity

Dr. Ryan Cole - Vaccinated People (Not Unvaccinated People) Are Carrying High Volumes Of The Omicron Virus

Dr. Robert Malone - The Warnings Of Geert Vanden Bossche Must Be Heeded; Universal Vaccinations Must Stop!

Attorney Thomas Renz: "Our Solders Are Being Experimented On, Injured, And Sometimes Killed" By COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. Paul Marik - Kill The Virus Where It Lives: In Your Nose, Throat, Mouth

MUST WATCH: How To Get Early Treatment When It Is Unavailable Or Being Suppressed


Early Treatment Links:

Covid-19 Early Treatment

My Free Doctor Website:

List Of Pharmacies, By State, Who Fill Ivermectin And Hydroxychloroquine Prescriptions:

To find a pharmacy near you that will fill ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, please google pharmacies in your area -- within a radius you are willing to travel -- and look for independent pharmacies or compounding pharmacies. Call and ask them if they will fill ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine WITHOUT a diagnosis code. If they will, then you can use them.

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

The Zelenko COVID-19 Protocol

Dr Peter McCullough Early Treatment Protocol

COVID-19 Healing Resources

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