Students Sign Petition To Abolish The U.S. Constitution

2 years ago

With Constitution Day on Friday, Campus Reform reporter Ophelie Jacobson talked with University of Florida students about the U.S. Constitution to see if they think the document is still relevant today, or if should be scrapped and remade.

Students told Campus Reform they think the Constitution is outdated and should be revised.

“It has to be,” one student said. “It was written in the late 1700’s, it wasn’t written for the 21st century.”

“There are a lot of outdated things in there that nowadays aren’t accepted,” another iterated.

Jacobson then asked students if they would sign a petition to abolish the current U.S. Constitution and create a new, supposedly more inclusive document for the 21st century.

Dozens of students signed the petition.

“It should be abolished,” one student said. “It’s time for a new Constitution.”

Read the story here:

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