Along With The Second Income Nicole Loves The Global Community She Received With Her Online Business

2 years ago

Nicole's started her online business in 2018 and loves being part of the community! Her favorite thing about her online business is meeting all of the amazing people! Nicole says that her life has changed so much after starting her online business. Hear more about how joining our community has changed their lives.

Hi I'm Darren, and I'm here with Nicole and we're gonna talk a bit about her online business. Nicole when did you start your online business?

Thanks Darren! I actually came into our community, it was late 2017. It took me a couple months, so I really actually got started with my business in the beginning of 2018.

So you're coming up on two years?

Yeah it's just been just over two years.

And what would you say is your favorite thing about your online business?

Oh gosh, you know I knew you I knew you're gonna ask me this question, and I tried to think, and it was - it's really hard to narrow it down to just one thing. But you know, aside from all of the amazing people that we've met through this business, that would come into my life, my team, you know they're they're so great. I've just had a lot less stress and worry, right, and you know, the kind that comes from having you know household debt, you know, no real future, no retirement plans - just everything you lie in bed and think of it night. But I'm you know I'm sleeping better, after you know starting my online business. And I quickly really realized that I get a lot of internal happiness from helping people. You know getting their businesses started and set up, you know watching them reach their goals, and you know just feeling a lot better about their own futures.

And how would you say your life has changed in the last couple years since you started this?

Life has changed a lot in the last couple years. We are you know, like I mentioned we have a lot less stress. You know aside from you know the income and everything, that's been helping us a lot. You know just over the one-year mark of running my business, my husband lost his job, and it was, you know it was scary at that time. Before this happened, I was a stay-at-home mom and his job was our main source right, and when that happened we were realized, that we were okay. This business had easily replaced that. In fact it it surpassed that and you know, I like to say that I retired my husband. He's at home now with us more, he's not had to work or find a new job. He's building his own business, he's pursuing his passions. He's a hockey development coach. Yeah life has just changed a lot for the positive. We've traveled, you know lots of good things have happened in the last couple years.

That's amazing. It was probably good timing anyway, because I mean even if he wasn't laid off a year ago, he may have been laid off now, during these crazy times.

You know it's a conversation that I have with a lot of people, because you know I like to use that analogy, about having you know all of our eggs in one basket. You know for a long time we did that, and in hindsight and looking back, it wasn't very smart of us. Because if I didn't have this digital business, at that time when he lost his job, life would have been a lot more scarier. You know and it, we look back now and we kind of laugh and think about it. But it's really been you know a blessing for us. You're lost through that tough time.

That's also why we have three income streams in this business, so you don't have your eggs all in one basket.

We sure do yeah, yeah. My husband keeps wondering why all these packages are showing up. You know we've been home, lots of online shopping, but he's like you know wondering why all these packages keep showing up at the doorstep, and I keep reminding him of those extra income streams, helping to cover that

Well thanks Nicole for spending a few minutes of your time with me today I appreciate it

Thank you Darren
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