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How we wash our dirty eggs.

3 years ago

How we wash our dirty eggs and the tools we use.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Those eggs look perfectly clean WITHOUT washing. The ONLY reason for washing unsoiled eggs is because big daddy govnerment demands it in order to sell them. In almost all other countries outisde the US eggs are not washed and the protectiv film is left on the egg, which lets them be stored at room temperature without any refrigeration for over 4-6 weeks. Keep the nest boxes clean and there will rarely be any soiled eggs. People have been raising chickens and eating their eggs for thousands of years without washing without refrigeration. The fear of germs and bacteria is so useful to control idiots who think government regualtions are there to "protect" them instead of giving the government control over what we put in our bodies. Even salmonella "outbreaks" are statistically irrelevant and overhyped to cause fear.... funny how all those salmonella outbreaks come exclusively from products of big industrial producers who follow all the government regulations.