Birthday Sets!!! - 20220103

2 years ago

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
― Marcus Aurelius

Starting the year off with a new training split and beginning on my birthday! HERE'S TO KICKING 2022 IN THE PANTS!

Today's Routine:

Barbell Squat 412.5
Set 1 : 135x10
Set 2 : 225x10
Set 3 : 365x3
Set 4 : 370x3
Set 5 : 375x3

Barbell Bench Press 269.5
Set 1 : 185x10
Set 2 : 235x3
Set 3 : 240x3
Set 4 : 245x3

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 126.67
Set 1 : 75x10
Set 2 : 85x10
Set 3 : 95x8
Set 4 : 100x8

Leverage Decline Chest Press 230.53
Set 1 : 117x12
Set 2 : 137x10
Set 3 : 182x8

Machine Fly 287
Set 1 : 175x12
Set 2 : 190x12
Set 3 : 205x12

Leg Extension 300
Set 1 : 175x15
Set 2 : 175x15
Set 3 : 200x15

Prone Leg Curl 56
Set 1 : 40x12
Set 2 : 40x12
Set 3 : 40x12

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