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Strained eye muscle

2 years ago

the main reasons for strained eye muscles
The first and the most common reason is long time focus on the screen without rest and without watching to different distances. It is very stressful for the eyes.
The second reason can be some tension in the body
For example, can be a pain in the neck, or in a shoulder, the tension in facial muscles, with the muscles of the jaw, that is, this tension will be transmitted to the muscles of the eyes and the person will not be able to relax
If the tension appeared in the neck, it will not give normal blood flow to the brain and eyes, respectively, there will be no normal tissue regeneration in the eyes and the brain, and recovery processes will also be partially blocked.
if you move a little, means the renewability of the whole organism is weak, the general regeneration is weak and oxygen supply is weak, and accordingly, all the cells of the body are also weakened and the cells of the eyes, of course, also weaken.


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