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"I'm not Bernie Sanders" Biden responds as Peter Doocy grills him pulling country so far to the left

3 years ago

Pres. Biden Calls Out GOP Obstruction, Says They're Intimidated by Former Pres. Trump
During a news conference from the White House, President Biden is asked about comments from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), in which he said the midterm elections would be a "report card" on President Biden. The president said even though he and the minority leader are friends, it is Mitch McConnell's primary goal to "make sure that there's nothing I do that makes me look good, in his mind, with the public at large." The president goes on to criticize the Republican Party for being intimidated by former President Trump out of fear of losing an election.


  • 0/2000
  • You call it obstruction when you don't get everything you want. Someone has to stop you from destroying this country. In one year you have set this country back twenty. Causing more division than any president before. You and your family will face the crimes you have committed here. You are a joke. You surround yourself with retards you call an administration. More like a circus. Never too old to be hung for your crimes azzhole.