Spanish 102 - Learn Adverbs in Spanish for Beginners Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video you will learn adverbs in Spanish. You can make adjectives into adverbs in Spanish. You will need to change adjectives to the feminine form and make sure they are singular too.
Adjectives in Spanish are usually in the masculine form or their neutral form.
If it is in the masculine form, drop the "o" and replace it with "a" and then add "mente." Mente is the English equivalent to "-ly". Most adjectives in Spanish end in mente.

For example: lento, drop "o", replace it with an "a" and then add mente
lenta+ mente= lentamente (slowly)
fácil (neutral) + mente= fácilmente (easily)
If an adjective is neutral you will need to leave it alone and just add mente to it.
Also if the adjective has a tilde(accent mark) you must leave that alone.

honesto, drop "o", replace it with an "a" + mente
honesta+mente= honestamente (honestly)

rápidos= this adjective is plural here and masculine, so you will need to make it singular and feminine
rápida+ mente= rápidamente (quickly)
Remember that adverbs must be in the feminine form and they must be singular too.

felices= this adjective is plural here and it is neutral
so you will need to make it singular, feliz + mente= felizmente.
With neutral adjectives you will need to make sure to use the singular form of it and just add mente to it.

There are other adverbs that you just need to know such as:
bien (well), mal (badly), muy (very), además (also), así (so), a menudo (often), bastante (enough)

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