Florida Covid Summit, Please America DO NOT VACCINATE 5-11 Year old Children

2 years ago

Dr. Brian Tyson is saying that within 2-3 days 90% of his patients treated with budesinide and he would constantly bring his patients back after 2 days to constantly check the condition of their health which is what doctors SHOULD be doing. Sometimes you have to extend treatment, sometimes you have to reevaluate people. The moral of the story is look at the symptoms, treat what you see, and treat for the treatments that you see. It’s a diagnosis of inflammation, diarehia, pneumonia, etc. Big pharma needs to stop handicapping doctors from saving people’s lives.
Here is the bottom line.
Don’t jab the children
Don’t jab the people who have already had COVID
We know that the FDA favors pharmaceutical companies, we know that the FDA accelerates the clinical trials but they also delay. They are stalling the DOD, the FDA is ABSOLUTELY CAPTURED by pharmaceutical interests and they havea wealth of strategies in order to accelerate the process for drugs that are for the pharmaceutical companies, the FDA allowed the pharmaceutical industry to fund the FDA. Whos responsible for this? Our elected officials. Just look at the clinical data for the 5-11 year old vaccine trials. There were so many misclassifcations of trial and so many rammed through regulatory approval that it makes you scratch your head? Have you ever heard about the opoid crisis? Do you know who is behind that whole show? Janet woodcock, she is technically no longer the administrator for the FDA, the consequence of this is that all the underlings are going to become as cautious as possible and not let anything through. Here is a perfect example, Scott Gottlieb was the head of the FDA under Trump and immediately moves to work for Pfizer corporation. If we’re smart and follow the developing world we can be done with this now. We also have to beware that there is also a panic of hospitalizations of people who don’t require it. The most interesting part was said by Dr. Peter McCullough when he was talking about what they found after they autopsied people who had died of COVID-19. Lungs fill up with micro thrombosis, its not like what you would find in normal heart failure. A lot of people who were suffering from COVID-19 inflammation described it is almost like going into higher altitude where you feel shortness of breath. You fell a little bit dizzy when you exert yourself. We’re seeing astronomical numbers of people who are vaccinated, we are seeing an uptick of people being admitted into ICU’s who are vaccinated. They don’t tell you that after you get the shot, your immune system temporarily is reduced so you’re a sitting duck for infection. There is a higher rate of individuals who die if they got both shots. The vaccine doesn’t stop transmission and doesn’t stop infection so yes you should prophalax. We were told that the vaccine should have good outcomes for the disease, but that isn’t what we’re seeing.

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