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boring as they've ever been

3 years ago

...to no avail
god people vs. non-god people
closest thing to God that they can find
you have faith in drugs drugs drugs
govt fucks with em and makes em more addictive
sumin you can learn from every experience
instead you're just the same
religious nutjob, yeah yeah
before my religion, very spiritual
always been, will always be a nutjob
questioning the status quo, not doing what's conventional...
who are you to tell me what to do
as if you see things that way, you're convinced that you do
trained like a monkey to think that you're seeing it that way (when you don't even know)
God it depresses me to live in this society
amerihahahahaha the less you subject yourself to the happier you'll be
silly ass me is actually happy (no matter how much i cry)
accomplished thru contentment
it really is the best way to be


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