Dragon Dick Music Videos

2 years ago

Welcome to Green Acres where John Lennon had blisters on his fingers and Roger’s Rocket had blisters somewhere else…

Let us tell you about Our Cowboy Hero…Dick Ramsey… the MAN with the MAGIC fingers on the Keyboard and the guitar.

This is his fifth and last introduction to his fame and fortune video music venture!
According to the Judge…I mean we had to tell you we were coming…the Judge told us to announce ourselves when we enter neighborhoods. NO schools! NO day care centers…things like that…

Singing? You bet Roger the Cowboy is singing all the way to the bank…well not to the bank yet but soon he will be singing like an Angle. Soon we will be able to tear down this man’s home and build him something decent. We are raising money because I really have discovered terrible things about my home making it unwise to continue to remodel.

…we need to demolish and rebuild all brand new.

I can afford a new home if I can get people to buy my artwork and listen to my music, I will get better…I swear…at music that is. I am 68 years old and unemployable. I have a bad heart and all of this was a big surprise so tell your friend’s about my videos! Look at my art and consider a piece for yourself or an artwork for a friend.

If you get lost…check your map…I will have a Pod Cast in the near future. I will actually play a whole song. I swear to god…

We will save you a table at the I-Hop at the intersection of the Highway of Death and Death Alley.

My artworks are available on Etsy and on E-Bay under Aviation Art by Ernie Boyette. Also on my site…

I am a professional Military Historian and Artist. I interviewed over 100 of our most famous aviators.

Consider my art for yourself or for a friend.

If I sell my art...then I can build myself a small home.

Thank you for your time.

This is his First Music Video if you want to see it.

This is his Second Music Video if you want to see it.

This is his Third Music Video if you want to see it.

This is his Fourth Music Video if you want to see it.

This is his Fifth Music Video if you want to see it.

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