Dragon Dick Music Videos

3 years ago

WE ONLY play the most brilliant new talent...well we do. This time WE have the Best of the Best...this man will be Famous as soon as he learns how to play the guitar…and the keyboard…and other stuff.

Who are we producing this time???

Dick Derringer! (Of course that is his Stage Name.)

This cowboy needs a new home and he and his illegal team of country misfits are going to entertain you…like it or not.

Their New Comedy Cowboy Music Show will be called;

“Gustafson Dairy Home Companion.”

On this, FIRST Episode the lonesome Cowboy…Dick Derringer is picking up his guitar for the first time in six years. Dick…you can call him Richard…he bought this guitar six years ago and played with it for about four days. He put it away and today…on July 7th 2021 he plays it for this first time. Just like riding a bicycle…

This guy is SO talented that in the next month or two he has claimed that he will be playing the guitar like “No ONE ELSE” on the Internet and I believe in Richard…he owes me $20.00 and I want to get it back so I promised to make him famous…did I mention that this guy is GREAT! This is the first time he has played in six years!

Listen to our Cow Boy, Dick Derringer as he plays the keyboards for the first TIME in SIX YEARS! This guy is brilliant!

Rolling Stone has threatened to bomb our studio if we do not stop sending them demos but I think they are kidding and I believe that they just want to steal this man’s brilliant musical “Style.”

So listen to Dick Derringer and look for his future releases. Because this guy really does need a new home…My home is really in bad shape. It is now better to build a new one so I am raising money doing comedy stuff so tell your children not to listen and if I play a song that touches your heart…maybe you will buy one of my wonderful products.

I will have many more of these videos so Enjoy!

You can see my art on E-Bay under Aviation Art by Ernie Boyette, and I have my art on Etsy and on my personal web page www.aviationartstore.com

Dick Derringer will…see you on;
Broke Back Mountain…!

This is his First Music Video if you want to see it.

This is his Second Music Video if you want to see it.

This is his Third Music Video if you want to see it.

This is his Fourth Music Video if you want to see it.

This is his Fifth Music Video if you want to see it.

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