God Save the Cowboy

3 years ago

Nationally acclaimed Singer Songwriter Karen Staley wrote this beautiful song after Trent sent her a short note about the issues the American ranchers and farmers are currently facing. We think you'll agree; it is an exceptionally poignant song with a powerful message. We must save the family ranches and farms or risk not having food at our tables for our own families.
Note from the Singer/Songwriter, Karen Staley:
Finally! We do now have the full album available for download that so many of you have asked about during the course of our travels. If you would like this song above (along with the others I wrote specifically for the tour); I would be grateful if you visit the homepage of my website: http://www.karenstaley.com and purchase the album direct. I am giving a significant portion of the proceeds to http://www.SavetheCowboy.net. So, "God Save the Cowboy Everywhere" AND the prairie poet songwriter too! LOL!
Songwriters like myself understand all too well the power of the land grab as big tech began taking our ability to make a living away via streaming/bootlegging our 'art' virtually for free via Napster, Pandora, Spotify etc. So, we are all about grassroots patriots! Thank you for going directly to www.karenstaley.com and asking your friends to do the same, as I pay it forward to constitutional causes close to my heart. For those of you who prefer to use Venmo or mail a check; you may email Laurie@karenstaley.com and we will provide those details. Also happy to mail you a thumb drive of the album if you prefer. God Bless You Patriots - Karen Staley
If you would simply like to make a donation right here in any amount to support both the cause and the audio production involved, we would be grateful! You may do so with PayPal or Venmo right here as follows:
paypal.me/GodSavetheCowboy OR Venmo: @KarenR-Staley
This video production was donated by award winning video producer Rebecca Cunningham with www.redflyermedia.com

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