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Flat Earth - believe

3 years ago

Members of the Flat Earth Society claim to believe the Earth is flat, and, it seems, they're serious.


  • 0/2000
  • Interesting model though I must respectfully disagree with it. In the Beginning, God created the Firmament in the midst of the waters, separating the waters above from the waters below. The firmament is "strong as a molten looking glass". The Sun, Moon and Stars were placed within the firmament. Elsewhere the firmament is described as as sea of crystal. The throne room of God is sitting atop of it if Revelation and the Book of Enoch is interpreted it in such a way. Sunsets are proof of perspective. Pythagoras's curvature of the earth has been proven incorrect any anyone with the will and a free weekend. The oldest documents on earth is the Word of God and it will never be disproven. Eclipses are fascinating and are currently one of my most intriguing topics to look into. Truth seekers have plentiful, observational, repeatable experiments that anyone can do. It is impossible for the truth to remain hidden. All things will be brought into the light. May God bless you.

  • Flat Earth society is a misinformation site, full of people that purposely say the dumbest shit, so you believe that's what fe people really think. Go to actual fe sites/channels. Please disregard the flat earth society, because actual fe people don't subscribe to that crap.

  • i did not even watch this video, that is work for shills like libertysearch